
i3menu provides a useful set of menus based on Rofi or dmenu to interact with i3wm

Primary LanguagePython

TravisCI - i3menu




i3menu provides a useful set of menus based on Rofi and dmenu that will help you manage you i3wm.


i3menu requires either Rofi or dmenu to work.

dmenu is pretty easy to install:

sudo apt-get install suckless-tools

But Rofi is way much nicer. To install it follow its installation guide.


i3menu can be installed directly from pypi like this:

$ pip install i3menu

Or from source code like this:

$ git clone https://github.com/giacomos/i3menu.git
$ cd i3menu
$ make install

Whatever installation method you choosed, you will end up having a script in your local bin path, ~/.local/bin. If your $PATH is set up correctly, now you should be able to run i3menu:

$ i3menu -h

If the command is not found, please check your $PATH to be sure to have your local bin path:

$ PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin

To make this change permanent, you can add to your .profile file this:

if [ -d "$HOME/.local/bin" ] ; then

This change will be permanent at your next login.


For a complete list of the command line parameters you can check the help:

$ i3menu --help

Any available menu can be run like this:

$ i3menu window_actions

I3WM config

You can add i3menu to your i3 config. For example:

bindsym $mod+w exec --no-startup-id i3menu goto_workspace


bindsym $mod+w exec --no-startup-id i3menu -m go_to_workspace

For a more complete set of examples, please take a look at my i3wm config



Disclaimer: i3menu is a third party script and in no way affiliated with the i3 project, the dmenu project or the rofi project.