
CLI for Fanfou

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


CLI for Fanfou



  • Fetch home-timeline
  • Fetch public-timeline
  • Fetch mentions-timeline
  • Fetch self-timeline
  • Fetch trends-timeline
  • Search statuses
  • Post statuses
  • Post photos
  • Multiple account login
  • HTTPS secure connection
  • Customizable timeline
  • Customizable color themes
  • Desktop notifier support


$ npm install -g nofan

Config & Login

# Config consumer key and consumer secret
$ nofan config

# Login fanfou account
$ nofan login

If you don't have consumer key, come here to create one.



$ nofan --help               # Show help
$ nofan config               # Config consumer key and consumer secret
$ nofan colors               # Customize color style
$ nofan login                # Login fanfou account
$ nofan logout               # Logout current account
$ nofan switch               # Switch fanfou account
$ nofan                      # Fetch the latest 10 statuses from home timeline
$ nofan home                 # Fetch the latest 10 statuses from home timeline
$ nofan mentions             # Fetch the latest 10 statuses from mentions
$ nofan me                   # Fetch the latest 10 statuses from yourself
$ nofan public               # Fetch the latest 10 statuses from public timeline
$ nofan trends               # Fetch trends
$ nofan search <query>       # Search status from public timeline
$ nofan home 20              # Fetch the latest 20 statuses from public timeline
$ nofan s                    # Alias for `nofan switch`
$ nofan h                    # Alias for `nofan home`
$ nofan p                    # Alias for `nofan public`
$ nofan se                   # Alias for `nofan search`
$ nofan tr                   # Alias for `nofan trends`
$ nofan m                    # Alias for `nofan mentions`
$ nofan hi nofan.            # Post status "hi nofan."
$ nofan undo                 # Delete last status
$ nofan hi -p ~/hola.png     # Post status "hi" with a photo
$ nofan home -t              # Display timeline with time ago tag
$ nofan notifier start       # Start Nofan Notifier process
$ nofan notifier stop        # Stop Nofan Notifier process
$ nofan notifier restart     # Restart Nofan Notifier process
$ nofan notifier delete      # Delete Nofan Notifier process

Color scheme

Use nofan colors to customize your color scheme.



Use dot . to separeate multiple styles.

Here is valid styles list.


> #ff99cc
> bold.#ff0000
> pink.underline
> cyanBright
> orange.inverse.underline



MIT © LitoMore