
OBI:0000658 'data representational model' has non-Aristotelian definition with embedded commentary

turbomam opened this issue · 1 comments

Data representational model is an information content entity of the relationships between data items. A data representational model is encoded in a data format specification such as for cytoscape or biopax.

I propose this quick fix:

An information content entity representing the relationships between data items

and a comment of

The Cytoscape application is commonly used to visualize data representational models about biological entities. It can read and write several serializations of data representational models, including BioPAX

This seems like a very straightforward change, so I went ahead and made a pull request for it. If the group would like any changes to your proposed definition/comment once we have a chance to discuss it on the OBI dev call, I'm happy to amend the PR as needed. Thanks for catching this one and proposing the fix.