
This code can be used to generate simulated NIRCam, NIRISS, or FGS data

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Build Status

MIRaGe = Multi Instrument Ramp Generator

This repository contains code that can be used to generate simulated NIRCam, NIRISS, or FGS data. These data can be in one of two formats:

raw - No calibrations applied. Detector level effects such as non-linearity, superbias, etc are still present.

linearized - Detector level effects have been removed, and data have been linearized, but are still in ramp format, where multiple non-destructive reads of the detector are present.


To install mirage, first clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/spacetelescope/mirage.git

Then, install the package:

cd mirage
pip install .


To simulate wide field slitless spectroscopy (WFSS) data:

Background signals:

  • JWST backgrounds: Generate JWST Exposure Time Calculator-type backgrounds (zodiacal+thermal)

Calibration pipeline:


See the notebooks in the examples subdirectory. There are notebooks for imaging simulations, WFSS simulations, moving target (non-sidereal) simulations, and simulations of OTE commissioning.


The code needed to create simulated data is split into four general parts:

  1. Generate a "seed image"
  2. (OPTIONAL) to create WFSS data, disperse the seed image
  3. Prepare an existing dark current ramp
  4. Combine the seed image with the dark

More details on these steps are given below:

Generate a "seed image"

This portion of the code generates a "seed image" from either input source catalogs or an input large field-of-view observation (fits file).

The seed image is a noiseless countrate image containing all of the sources specified in the input catalogs. Sources are scaled to the requested magnitudes and placed in the appropriate location according to the instrument distortion model.

The main input to the code is a yaml file (examples are in the 'inputs' subdirectory). This file contains more information than is actually needed to run the code, but the information is all needed to run the entire data simulation process, so for the moment we've kept all of the inputs.

To use the code:

  1. From the command line:
python catalog_seed_image.py myfile.yaml
  1. Within python:
from mirage.seed_image import catalog_seed_image as csi
cat = csi.Catalog_seed()
cat.paramfile = 'myfile.yaml'


Multi-extension fits file with name ending in 'seed_image.fits', containing:

Extension 0: empty

Extension 1: seed image

Extension 2: segmentation map

Also, the seed image, segmentation map, and exposure info dictionary are available as: self.seedimage, self.seed_segmap, and self.seedinfo

Disperse the seed image

Requires multiple imaging seed images as input. Output is a single, dispersed seed image that can be passed to later simulator steps just as imaging seed images. See WFSS notebook for an example.

To use:

from NIRCAM_Gsim.grism_seed_disperser import Grism_seed
crossing_filter = 'F444W'
module = 'A'    # 'A' or 'B'
direction = 'R' # 'R' for row or 'C' for column
image_seeds = [seed1.seed_file, seed2.seed_file, seed3.seed_file, seed4.seed_file]
dmode = 'mod{}_{}'.format(module.upper(),direction.upper())
loc = os.path.join(datadir,"GRISM_NIRCAM/")
background_file = "{}_{}_back.fits".format(crossing_filter,dmode)
t = Grism_seed(image_seeds,crossing_filter,dmode,config_path=loc)
t.finalize(Back = background_file)

Prepare an existing dark current ramp

The input dark current exposure will be reorganized into the requested readout pattern (if possible). If the input is not a linearized exposure, then it will be run through the initial stages of the JWST calibration pipeline in order to linearize the data. This includes superbias subtraction and reference pixel subtraction, followed by the linearization step.

The signal associated with the superbias and reference pixels is saved along side the linearized dark ramp such that it can be added back in later, if the user requests a raw output ramp from Mirage.


The linearized dark current and zeroth frame as saved to a fits file that uses the name from the Output:file entry in the input yaml file and ending with '_linearizedDark.fits'.

These are also available as self.linDark and self.zeroModel

To use: python dark_prep.py myinputs.yaml


from mirage.dark import dark_prep
dark = dark_prep.DarkPrep()
dark.paramfile = 'myinputs.yaml'

Combine the seed image with the dark

This step takes as input a seed image (with associated segmentation map) and a linearized dark current exposure.

The seed image is converted into a 4d signal ramp, and poisson noise, cosmic rays, and other detector effects are added.

The ramp is then reorganized into the requested readout pattern and added to the dark current ramp.

To use: python obs_generator.py myinputs.yaml


from mirage.ramp_generator import obs_generator
obs = obs_generator.Observation()
obs.linDark = 'V42424024002P000000000112o_B5_F250M_uncal_linear_dark_prep_object.fits'
obs.seed = 'V42424024002P000000000112o_B5_F250M_uncal_F250M_seed_image.fits'
obs.paramfile = 'myinputs.yaml'

To create a simulated exposure, string together all of the steps:

from mirage.seed_image import catalog_seed_image
from mirage.dark import dark_prep
from mirage.ramp_generator import obs_generator

yamlfile = 'seed_catalog_test.yaml'
cat = catalog_seed_image.Catalog_seed()
cat.paramfile = yamlfile
seedimage, segmap, seedinfo = cat.make_seed()

d = dark_prep.DarkPrep()
d.paramfile = yamlfile

obs = obs_generator.Observation()
obs.linDark = d.prepDark
obs.seed = cat.seedimage
obs.segmap = cat.seed_segmap
obs.seedheader = cat.seedinfo
#obs.seed = 'V42424024002P000000000112o_B5_F250M_uncal_F250M_seed_image.fits'
obs.paramfile = yamlfile

Convenience Functions

imaging_pipeline.py - wrapper around the three steps needed to create an imaging mode simulated exposure. This also works for moving target simulations. Example use shown in the imaging notebook.

wfss_pipeline.py - wrapper around the steps needed to create an WFSS simulated exposure. Example use shown in the WFSS notebook.

yaml_generator.py - Beginning with an Astronomer's Proposal Tool (APT) file, create the yaml files necessary to simulate the entire proposal. Example use shown in the imaging and WFSS notebooks.


Prior to contributing to the mirage development, please review our style guide.

The following is a bare bones example of a best work flow for contributing to the project:

  1. Create a fork off of the spacetelescope mirage repository.
  2. Make a local clone of your fork.
  3. Ensure your personal fork is pointing upstream properly.
  4. Create a branch on that personal fork.
  5. Make your software changes.
  6. Push that branch to your personal GitHub repository (i.e. origin).
  7. On the spacetelescope mirage repository, create a pull request that merges the branch into spacetelescope:master.
  8. Assign a reviewer from the team for the pull request.
  9. Iterate with the reviewer over any needed changes until the reviewer accepts and merges your branch.
  10. Delete your local copy of your branch.

Code of Conduct

Users and contributors to the mirage repository should adhere to the Code of Conduct. Any issues or violations pertaining to the Code of Conduct should be brought to the attention of a mirage team member or to conduct@stsci.edu.


Any questions about the mirage project or its software can be directed to hilbert@stsci.edu.

Current Development Team


Mirage is based on a NIRISS data simulator originally written by Kevin Volk.