React Native School Expo Template

A simple Expo template with the following features:

  • Eslint & Prettier configured
  • React Navigation v5
  • Testing Configured
  • Simple project structure
  • Small component library to get started with

It's easy to create a project, strip out the few components included, and still have the architecture in place to quickly start building an app.


Be sure to have the Expo CLI installed.

expo init --template @react-native-school/expo-template
  • Run on iOS: yarn ios or npm run ios
  • Run on Android: yarn android or npm run android
  • Run on Web: yarn web or npm run web
  • Run Tests: yarn test or npm run test
  • Lint Code: yarn lint or npm run lint
  • Format Code: yarn format or npm run format


List Screen List Screen

Text Screen Text Screen

Form Screen Form Screen

Button Screen Button Screen