A fully-pipelined hardware accelerator for quantized neural networks.
Supported operations:
- Arbitrary fixed-point precision matrix-vector multiplication
- Scaling of matrix-vector products at high-precision fixed-point
- MaxPool and ReLU activation
- Quantization/truncation of output
The overall design implements an array of MVU elements (nominally 8) that can move data between each other via an crossbar interconnect.
See paper: Bit-Slicing FPGA Accelerator for Quantized Neural Networks, ISCAS 2019
Developed in conjuction with the BARVINN project, which connects the MVU array to a RISC-V-based controller called pito-riscv
First make sure the Vivado is sourced, example for Vivado 2019.1:
source /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/settings64.sh
Then make sure you have fusesoc installed:
python3 -m pip install fusesoc
Then add mvu
to your fusesoc libraries:
git clone https://github.com/obilaniu/MVU.git
cd MVU
fusesoc library add mvu .
Generate the required IP components. For Xilinx Vivado, do the following:
cd tclscripts
vivado -mode batch -nolog -nojournal -source gen_xilinx_ip.tcl
Then run simulation (No GUI):
fusesoc run --target=sim mvu
For synthesis:
fusesoc run --target=synth mvu
To open sim in GUI mode:
cd build/mvu_0/sim-vivado/
make run-gui
And for synthesis:
cd build/mvu_0/synth-vivado/
make build-gui
This should open the project for you. Make sure you have run simulation or synthesis atleast once, otherwise fusesoc would not create a project file for you.
If you liked this project, please consider citing our paper:
author={Bilaniuk, Olexa and Wagner, Sean and Savaria, Yvon and David, Jean-Pierre},
booktitle={2019 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS)},
title={Bit-Slicing FPGA Accelerator for Quantized Neural Networks},