
Training and deploying a machine learning model on Azure

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Operationalizing A Machine Learning Model


In this project, we take a bank marketing data set and train a model to predict the likelihood of a customer to subscribe to a product. After this we deploy this model which exposes an http endpoint for authenticated users to consume and we create documentation using swagger. Finally we create and deploy a pipeline.

The data set contains 20 columns and 32,950 rows from results of a previous campaign. It contains details of customers such as age, education, marital status and so on.



Since a private Azure subscription was used for this, a service principal "ml-auth" was created for the purpose of authentication. Authentication without human intervention allows for more seamless operation in a production environment. The best model from the AutoML run was deployed and tested by sending sample requests. A pipeline was published and swagger documentation was created for the deployed model.

Key Steps


Authentication is done by way of a service principal. As earlier stated, using a service principal eliminates the need for human intervention thereby ensuring smoother operation of the application in production. Service principal named "ml-auth" was created via command line:

Service Principal Created

Service principal was assigned to the workspace for the experiment:

Workspace share

Training the Model

The bank marketing data set was uploaded for use in training the model via AutoML.

Registered data sets

An AutoML classification experiment was created to run on compute cluster with Standard_DS12_V2 machines. Setting minimum number of nodes to 1 eliminates start up time of the machine when the experiment is created although it came at a cost as I was using a private Azure subscription.

Model training completed

The best model was a voting ensemble with accuracy of 0.91775.

Deploying the Best Model

The best model was deployed and application insights enabled. This was very useful for me later on in the project when I had to consume the endpoint and kept getting an http 502 response. I described this error a bit in the screen cast.

Application insights enabled

Metrics are available via application insights as shown below and they're very helpful for monitoring and troubleshooting

Application insights graphs

Enable logging

Logging is a powerful tool for a DevOps engineer. It helps with troubleshooting issues and with understanding the context of an application activity. I enabled logging as shown below:

enable logging

Consume Model Endpoint

A sample request was built using the endpoint.py file. I updated the scoring URI and application key which was obtained from the endpoints section in ML Studio.

endpoint response

I struggled a bit here as I was getting an http response 502. I had to drill down using application insights (in the right corner of the image above) to find out I had been sending input data with only 13 values as against the expected 20. I was using the endpoints.py data in the exercise starter files which wasn't the same as the endpoints.py data in starter files folder. I made this correction and got the expected json response.

Create Swagger Documentation

Using swagger.sh and the swagger.json file from the deployed model I was able to set up swagger documentation for the endpoint to our deployed model.

swagger on localhost

swagger response body

Publish Pipeline

Using the notebook provided, we created a pipeline that can be used to train the model. The cells were updated accordingly and pipeline run initiated

pipeline created

Run details widget shows pipeline run in progress:

run details widget

Once completed, the pipeline was published. Image shows pipeline endpoint and active status.

published pipeline

pipeline endpoint


View my video recording on Youtube here. Here I briefly run through what I have done in the project.

Standout Suggestions

  • The experiment could be allowed to run for longer than 1 hour although this comes at additional costs. Longer runs may yield better results.
  • Future campaigns can try to balance out under-represented populations in the data such as unmarried people