
This REST API allows a user to query historical weather data across multiple stations. API results are paginated to optimize performance

Primary LanguagePython

Weather API

1. Architecture

I have used SQL server as data store and developed the database locally. I have also used Flask to build the API to serve data requests.


The database table is designed as follows:

Database table schema

2. ETL

With the requests library in python, I pulled the tar.gz data folder from the link provided and extracted the contents to a local folder. Iterating over the 118k csv files, I select the files that have the required columns to meet the use case requirements: location, average temperature, year and month. A lot of files did not have the required temperature columns. These files were discarded since the requirements only requested results where data existed.

Data transformation was done in pandas to map months to seasons and create a column for year. The final table was saved to a comma delimited file which was ingested into the SQL Server database with SSIS. This is a faster approach than writing to database directly from pandas.

Code for this is in the etl.py file. ssis_package.dtsx contains the final part of the ETL process.

3. API Implementation

The API is built in Flask which is deployed locally. Python dependencies are specified in requirements.txt.

In order to manage performance, it is set to return only 100 records per API call.


/temperature GET

This endpoint returns average seasonal temperature for each season and year where data is available Sample response:

    "nextURL": "http://localhost:5000/temperature?pageNum=1",
    "status": "ok"
    "data": [
      "season": "Spring",
      "tavg": 9.358373,
      "year": 2004
      "season": "Winter",
      "tavg": 0.830639,
      "year": 2021

/stations GET

Returns list of weather stations and number of available datapoints (i.e. non-null temperature entries) for each season and year where data is available

sample response:

    "nextURL": "http://localhost:5000/stations?pageNum=1",
    "status": "ok"
    data: [
        "data_points": 2,
        "season": "Summer",
        "station": "AE000041196",
        "year": 1993
        "data_points": 3,
        "season": "Fall",
        "station": "AE000041196",
        "year": 1993

getTempByLocation POST

Accepts 2 sets of coordinates (lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) and 2 integers (startYear and endYear) as parameters to serve average temperature and available datapoints similar to above. The data should be averaged over the rectangular area defined by supplied coordinates (lat1, lon1) and (lat2, lon2). Data is also averaged over startYear-endYear range. It also attempts to identify the country which one of the geometry points fall into.

sample request



sample response

    "nextURL": "http://localhost:5000/getTempByLocation?pageNum=1",
    "status": "ok",
    "country": "United States",
    "data": [
            "season": "Summer",
            "tavg": 14.05031,
            "year": 1915
            "season": "Winter",
            "tavg": -0.593787,
            "year": 1922

4. Challenges and Future Enhancements

I faced some challenges developing this solution. I also have some recommendations if there will be future enhancements.

  1. Database response is slow on my development PC.
  2. Data for development was just 8gb. For scalability, a larger data store can be used if the solution is expected to handle the scale that should come from years of future data growth.
  3. The database login created initially continued to fail login. This is because the database was initially set to allow only Windows authentication. Unfortunately, the error response was not explicit enough to allow quick troubleshooting. It was resolved by permitting both Windows and SQL Server authentication.
  4. Iterating through 118,000 files during ETL was costly for my development PC. It experienced memory exhaustion. Same happened using Google colab for the same task. This was resolved by reading only files that contained the needed columns. However, in production, more powerful compute is recommended for this scale of ETL.