
API fidelity test suite for AppScale

Primary LanguagePython


API fidelity test suite for AppScale


Start up appscale as usual:

appscale up

Get Hawkeye from git:

git clone git@github.com:AppScale/hawkeye.git

compile the Java version(s) as indicated in java-app/README.md and deploy the Java, Java 8, and Python 2.7 versions:

appscale deploy hawkeye/java-app/module-main/war
appscale deploy hawkeye/java8-app/module-main/war
appscale deploy hawkeye/python27-app/module-main

if you're going to test modules suite you also need to deploy additional python module:

appscale deploy hawkeye/java-app/module-a/war
appscale deploy hawkeye/java8-app/module-a/war
appscale deploy hawkeye/python27-app/module-a

for warmup tests you should also deploy:

appscale deploy hawkeye/java-app/module-warmup/war
appscale deploy hawkeye/java8-app/module-warmup/war
appscale deploy hawkeye/python27-app/module-warmup

To determine ports for deployed applications use:

appscale status

run hawkeye

Go into the test-suite directory:

cd test-suite

Create csv files containing app modules and versions info:

cat > versions-java.csv << APP_VERSIONS

Using versions-java.csv, versions-java8.csv, and versions-python27.csv for the different runtimes.

and run it:

python hawkeye.py --app APP_ID --versions-csv FILE --lang LANG --baseline

For this example, running Hawkeye Java would be:

python hawkeye.py --app hawkeyejava --versions-csv versions-java.csv --lang java --baseline

and Java 8 would be:

python hawkeye.py --app hawkeyejava8 --versions-csv versions-java8.csv --lang java --baseline --baseline-file hawkeye_baseline_java8.csv

and Python 2.7 would be:

python hawkeye.py --app hawkeyepython27 --versions-csv versions-python27.csv --lang python --baseline

hawkeye output

You'll see output like the following:

[user@host test-suite]$ python hawkeye.py --app myapp --versions-csv ./versions-example.csv --lang python  --baseline

User API Test Suite
Ran 4 tests in 0.625s

FAILED (failures=2, errors=1)

XMPP Test Suite
Ran 1 test in 1.343s


Blobstore Test Suite
Ran 10 tests in 9.346s


Cron Test Suite
Ran 1 test in 123.424s

FAILED (failures=1)

Modules API Test Suite
Ran 5 tests in 6.431s


Memcache Test Suite
Ran 12 tests in 13.017s


Images Test Suite
Ran 9 tests in 6.478s


Datastore Test Suite
Ran 34 tests in 90.639s

FAILED (failures=9)

Asynchronous Datastore Test Suite
Ran 21 tests in 13.949s

FAILED (failures=4)

Secure URL Test Suite
Ran 4 tests in 1.497s

FAILED (failures=4)

Logservice Test Suite
Ran 1 test in 0.525s

FAILED (failures=1)

NDB Test Suite
Ran 15 tests in 8.251s

FAILED (failures=3)

Task Queue Test Suite
Ran 13 tests in 82.349s

FAILED (failures=2)

Config Environment Variable Test Suite
Ran 2 tests in 1.319s


Comparison to baseline:
 97  tests matched baseline result
 23  tests did not match baseline result
    tests.async_datastore_tests.CompositeQueryTest.runTest ... FAIL (ok was expected)
    tests.async_datastore_tests.GQLProjectionQueryTest.runTest ... FAIL (ok was expected)
    tests.async_datastore_tests.OrderedKindAncestorQueryTest.runTest ... FAIL (ok was expected)
    tests.async_datastore_tests.ProjectionQueryTest.runTest ... FAIL (ok was expected)
    tests.cron_tests.CronTest.runTest ... FAIL (ok was expected)
    tests.datastore_tests.CompositeMultiple.runTest ... FAIL (ok was expected)
    tests.datastore_tests.CompositeProjection.runTest ... FAIL (ok was expected)
    tests.datastore_tests.CompositeQueryTest.runTest ... FAIL (ok was expected)
    tests.datastore_tests.CursorQueries.runTest ... FAIL (ok was expected)
    tests.datastore_tests.GQLProjectionQueryTest.runTest ... FAIL (ok was expected)
    tests.datastore_tests.MultipleEqualityFilters.runTest ... FAIL (ok was expected)
    tests.datastore_tests.OrderedKindAncestorQueryTest.runTest ... FAIL (ok was expected)
    tests.datastore_tests.ProjectionQueryTest.runTest ... FAIL (ok was expected)
    tests.logservice_tests.FetchLogTest.runTest ... FAIL (ok was expected)
    tests.ndb_tests.NDBCompositeQueryTest.runTest ... FAIL (ok was expected)
    tests.ndb_tests.NDBGQLTest.runTest ... FAIL (ok was expected)
    tests.ndb_tests.NDBProjectionQueryTest.runTest ... FAIL (ok was expected)
    tests.secure_url_tests.AlwaysSecureRegexTest.runTest ... FAIL (ok was expected)
    tests.secure_url_tests.AlwaysSecureTest.runTest ... FAIL (ok was expected)
    tests.secure_url_tests.NeverSecureRegexTest.runTest ... FAIL (ok was expected)
    tests.secure_url_tests.NeverSecureTest.runTest ... FAIL (ok was expected)
    tests.taskqueue_tests.LeaseModificationTest.runTest ... FAIL (ok was expected)
    tests.taskqueue_tests.RESTPullQueueTest.runTest ... FAIL (ok was expected)
 11  tests ran, but not found in baseline
    tests.datastore_tests.IndexVersatility.runTest ... FAIL
    tests.datastore_tests.LongTxRead.runTest ... ok
    tests.modules_tests.TestCreatingAndGettingEntity.test_default_module ... ok
    tests.modules_tests.TestCreatingAndGettingEntity.test_module_a ... ok
    tests.modules_tests.TestTaskTargets.test_task_targets ... ok
    tests.modules_tests.TestVersionDetails.test_default_module ... ok
    tests.modules_tests.TestVersionDetails.test_module_a ... ok
    tests.taskqueue_tests.TaskEtaTest.runTest ... ok
    tests.user_tests.AdminLoginTest.runTest ... FAIL
    tests.user_tests.LogoutURLTest.runTest ... ERROR
    tests.user_tests.UserLoginTest.runTest ... FAIL
 1   tests in baseline, but not ran
    tests.images_tests.ImageUploadTest.runTest ... ok

The only important part here is following:

 97  tests matched baseline result
 23  tests did not match baseline result
    tests.async_datastore_tests.CompositeQueryTest.runTest ... FAIL (ok was expected)
    tests.async_datastore_tests.GQLProjectionQueryTest.runTest ... FAIL (ok was expected)
    tests.async_datastore_tests.OrderedKindAncestorQueryTest.runTest ... FAIL (ok was expected)
    tests.async_datastore_tests.ProjectionQueryTest.runTest ... FAIL (ok was expected)
    tests.cron_tests.CronTest.runTest ... FAIL (ok was expected)

If you run into any of the baseline tests failing, you should definitely dig into these logs:

  • AppScale logs (run "appscale logs somedirectory" to grab AppScale logs and put them in somedirectory).
  • Hawkeye logs, located in "hawkeye/test-suite/hawkeye-logs"