
Uses an Arduino and a SIM800 to send SMS when the power is cut off or restored.

Primary LanguageC++


This is my Arduino example project that uses a SIM800 module to send SMS notifications when the main power is cut off or restored. It can be used to monitor the power status in a house and notify the user via SMS.


  • Arduino Mini
  • SIM800 Module
  • Lithium Battery
  • TP4056 Charging Module
  • 5V AC to DC Power Supply (USB Phone charger)

Circuit Diagram

Connect the SIM800 module to the Arduino Mini as follows:

  • SIM800 Tx to Arduino pin 3
  • SIM800 Rx to Arduino pin 2
  • TP4056 to Battery for Arduino power.
  • 5V DC power supply to Arduino digital pin 7 and ground


  1. Set up the hardware as described in the Circuit Diagram section.
  2. Open the PowerMonitorSMS.ino file in the Arduino IDE.
  3. Upload the code to the Arduino Mini.
  4. Open the Serial Monitor to observe the power status and SMS sending status.