
Primary LanguageShell


This script rotates all MP4 files in a directory by -90 degrees using exiftool. It's particularly useful for adjusting the orientation of vertical videos shot for social media platforms like Instagram Reels.

Use Case

I created this script because my Canon EOS M100 camera doesn't automatically change the movie orientation information when I shoot vertical videos. Manually rotating each clip in a video editor was time-consuming, so I developed this script to automate the process.


  • exiftool (The script will attempt to install it if not already installed)


Make the script executable

chmod +x vrotator.sh

Run the script to work on the current directory:


Alternatively, specify a directory to work on:

./vrotator.sh /path/to/directory

The script will:

Check for exiftool and install it if necessary. Find all MP4 files (case-insensitive) in the specified or current directory. Print the filenames and ask for confirmation before rotating. Rotate the videos by -90 degrees. Ask if you want to delete the original files after rotation.

Example Use Scenario: Rotating Videos in the Current Directory You have several MP4 videos in your current directory that were recorded vertically. You want to rotate these videos by -90 degrees for proper viewing.

Open your terminal and navigate to the directory containing your videos:

cd /path/to/your/videos

Run the script without any arguments:


Follow the prompts:

$ ./vrotator.sh
The following MP4 files will be processed in directory: /path/to/your/videos
Do you want to rotate these files? (Y/N): Y
Rotating ./video1.mp4...
Rotating ./video2.MP4...
All files have been rotated.
Do you want to delete the original files? (Y/N): Y
Deleting original files...
Deleted ./video1.mp4_original
Deleted ./video2.MP4_original
Operation completed.
Scenario: Rotating Videos in a Specified Directory
You have a different directory containing MP4 videos that you want to rotate.

Run the script and specify the directory:

./vrotator.sh /path/to/directory

Follow the prompts:

$ ./vrotator.sh /path/to/directory
The following MP4 files will be processed in directory: /path/to/directory
Do you want to rotate these files? (Y/N): Y
Rotating ./video3.mp4...
Rotating ./video4.MP4...
All files have been rotated.
Do you want to delete the original files? (Y/N): Y
Deleting original files...
Deleted ./video3.mp4_original
Deleted ./video4.MP4_original
Operation completed.