Mozilla Community Portal

This repo will contain all the theme files for the new Mozilla community portal.


  • Node version 8.9.3
  • Running instance of Wordpress. For development and deployment to wpengine purposes we are currently using wpe-devkit (
  • All the required wordpress plugins. (buddypress v4.4.0, eventmanager v5.9.5, advanced custom fields v5.8.2)

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repo into the wp-content/themes folder of the wordpress instance.
  2. Install all the node dependences by running the following command npm install


To compile the sass files run npm run compile


To build the project run the following command npm run build


To live update the styles run npm run watch


To activate the theme through the Wordpress admin panel.


The following pages need to be created along with their corresponding slugs

Title: Activate URL slug: activate

Title: Community Portal (This page should be set to the front page)

Title: Events URL slug: events

Title: Categories URL slug: categories Parent Page: Events

Title: Edit URL slug: edit-event Parent Page: Events

Title: Locations URL slug: locations Parent Page: Events

Title: My Bookings URL slug: my-bookings Parent Page: Events

Title: Tags URL slug: tags Parent Page: Events

TItle: Groups URL slug: groups

Title: Members URL slug: people

Title: Register URL slug: register