
LSP server for Objeck

Primary LanguageShellOtherNOASSERTION

Objeck LSP

LSP support for Objeck was incorporated into v6.0 (and futher releases). Diagnostic functionality (i.e. compiling code, finding symbols, code completion, etc.) is built in libraries that ship with the tool chain. The LSP server is standalone, written in Objeck and exposes STDIO and TCP interfaces. The backend handles client requests, formats responses and maintains the state of in-memory documents.

Please refer to the installation instructions (and issues reports) for editor support.

Work in the Queue

Reviving this effort to provide the following

  1. Clean up configuration options
  2. Project/workspace build support for non-VSCode clients
  3. Better support for Sublime and other text editors (current implementation is based on message ordering from VSCode)
  4. STDIO support for Sublime and other text editors
  5. Named pipe support for VSCode

alt text


  • Initialized initialized
  • Cancel Request $/cancelRequest
  • File Open textDocument/didOpen
  • File Changed textDocument/didChange
  • File Save textDocument/didSave
  • File Close textDocument/didClose


  • Initialize initialize
  • Code completion textDocument/completion
  • Code resolution completionItem/resolve
  • Code symbol textDocument/documentSymbol
  • Method/Function signature help textDocument/signatureHelp
  • Goto code references textDocument/references
  • Goto code definitions textDocument/definition
  • Goto code declaration textDocument/declaration
  • Variable rename textDocument/rename
  • Format document textDocument/formatting
  • Format selection textDocument/rangeFormatting
  • Editor shutdown shutdown


  • JSON configured workspaces to support multi-file projects
  • Find symbol in workspace workspace/symbol
  • Watch file changed workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles
  • Watch workspace changed workspace/didChangeWorkspaceFolders
Fig.1 - Error checking

Error checking

Fig.2 - Code completion

Code completion

Fig.3 - Variable and method renaming

Variable and method renaming

Project Status

The server is functional but there is still work to do.


  1. Tested editors
    1. Visual Studio Code
    2. Sublime
    3. Kate
  2. Platform support
    1. Windows (AMD64)
    2. Linux (AMD64 and ARM64)
    3. macOS (AMD64 and ARM64)
  3. Multi-document support
    1. Project workspaces
  4. Code symbols
    1. Classes
    2. Enums
    3. Methods
  5. Finding references
    1. Variables
  6. Finding declarations
    1. Variables
    2. Methods and functions
  7. Finding definitions
    1. Variables (done)
    2. Classes and method (done)
  8. Keyword completion
    1. Variables
    2. Methods and functions
  9. Bundle documentation
  10. Quick Fixes
    1. Add 'use' a statment for an unqualfied class
    2. Qualfied an unqualfied class


  1. Test with Emacs on Linux