A framework for parsing and transforming text in Markdown format written in Swift 5 for macOS, iOS, and Linux. The syntax is based on the CommonMark specification. The framework defines an abstract syntax for Markdown, provides a parser for parsing strings into abstract syntax trees, and comes with generators for HTML and attributed strings.
- a1049145827Whaley VR
- benjohnde@Liftric
- biscuitehhTwitter
- BobH-OfficialSingapore
- bsiegfreidColorado
- CallMeLaNNOn Earth
- Chunyureee
- dasautoooo@alibaba
- disposedtrolley@GitLab
- duoluoChina BeiJing
- ericmacielBelo Horizonte, MG
- evizbizEvizBiz
- eyuxin
- Fateh-Alam
- flyingblackhat
- hechen
- jimmy54one
- jkrukowski@geneva
- kevinrenskers@loopwerk
- leonspokBumble
- mattpolzin@opallabs
- maxgarberApple
- NeomMobNeomobili
- njohnston-daon
- Obbut@unbtbl
- pablopons
- pepicrft@tuist
- podviaznikovNew York
- pramjanHyderabad, India
- rawandahmad698MeshMonitors.io
- reftonullManhattan, New York
- susieyyfreelance, self employed
- thbonkKirkel-Altstadt, Germany
- thecb4The CB4
- tikimcfee
- vincode-ioVincode, Inc.