
Python 3 module to open, decrypt and fetch the entries in a Keepass (*.kdbx) database

Primary LanguagePython

How to use

  • Install requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt

  • Import KeepassReader.py in your project

  • Create a KeepassReader object : reader = KeepassReader()

  • Fetch the XML with the (*.kdbx) database and the password : xml = reader.open("filename.kdbx", "password here")

  • Fetch the entries with the XML : entries = reader.parse(xml)

Errors and problems

If you have any problem, check the error status : reader.status['error']

  • 0 = No error
  • 1 = Database corrupted or invalid password
  • 2 = Cannot open the database (*.kdbx)
  • 3 = No XML provided to the parse method