Added the files for each layer.

Layer 1: Colemak

Colemak Mod DH layer with num row/F-keys and media keys. The Ctrl+Alt+Shift on the innermost thumb key is for my program switching macro, e.g. Ctrl+Alt+Shift+O would open or switch to ObsidianMD.


  • Super F1 - Super F10:
    • Tap: 1 - 0
    • Hold: F1 - F10
  • Super F11
    • Tap: Next Song
    • Double Tap: Previous Song
    • Hold: F11
  • Super AudVi
    • Tap: Ctrl+Alt+F13 (Shortcut for SoundSwitch)
    • Hold: Alt+OS+K (Shortcut to mute microphone)
    • Tap&Hold: Ctrl+Shift+V (Shortcut to toggle camera in webex)
    • 2Tap: Camera
  • Super Vol+:
    • Tap: Volume up
    • Hold: Volume up
    • Tap&Hold: F12
    • 2Tap: Volume up
    • 2Tap&Hold: Volume up
  • Super Play:
    • Tap: PlayPause
    • Hold: Shift+F10 (Shortcut for run code in JetBrains IDEs)
  • Super Vol-:
    • Tap: Volume down
    • Hold: Volume down
    • Tap&Hold: Mute
    • 2Tap: Volume down
    • 2Tap&Hold: Volume down
  • Super MEH:
    • Tap: Macro: END ENTER
    • Hold: Ctrl+Alt+Shift (in combination with alphas to switch programs or open websites)
  • Super MEH2:
    • Tap: Macro: END ; ENTER
    • Hold: Ctrl+Alt+Shift
  • Super Home:
    • Tap: Home
    • Hold: Shift+Home
  • Super End:
    • Tap: End
    • Hold: Shift+End
  • Super OS:
    • Tap: OS+Space
    • Hold: OS

Layer_1 Colemak DH.png

Layer 2: Numpad & Mouse Movement

Mostly used for the numpad, as I don't use the numrow on top for comfort reasons.

Changes to previous version:

  • removed the arrow keys below the mouse navigation due to layer 7 and the dual function arrow keys on layer 1

Layer_2 Numpad+MouseNavigation.png

Layer 3: Symbols

Symbol layer with mirrored layout for the different brackets (open on the left, close on the right) and all necessary symbols.


  • Super >:
    • Tap: >
    • Hold: =>
  • Super <:
    • Tap: <
    • Hold: <=

Layer_3 Symbols.png

Layer 4: Gaming 1

Gaming layer 1 which is based on the colemak base layer, except that some of the superkeys and dualkeys are removed to reduce keypress latency.

  • Option to move to layer, that has the right side mapped to the same fingers on the left side
  • Option to move to layer with numpad on left side

Left handed layers remove the need to move from mouse to keyboard and provides all the keys for hotkeys.

Layer_4 Gaming 1.png

Layer 5: Gaming 2 Mirrored right side onto left side

Having the right side mapped on the left side (with the same fingers pressing each key, so the layout is mirrored) helped with muscle memory.

Layer_5 Gaming 2 Left Hand.png

Layer 6: Gaming 3 Left handed numpad

Layer_6 Gaming 3 Left Hand Numpad.png

Layer 7: Navigation and Numpad

Layer_7 Navigation+Numpad.png

Layer 8: CAD

Currently only transparent, so nothing to show here

Layer 10: Layer Lock

Gateway to all necessary layers, when the layer switcher is not available.

Layer_10 Layer Lock.png