
Test repo with HoleFoods classes and dfi's to test UDL import/export

Primary LanguageApex


Test repo with HoleFoods classes and dfi files to test UDL import/export

Can be imported with:

#1 cache-udl

  1. install cs.alles
  2. Download the code from holefoods-test to the "Path"
  3. Import the code and DeepSee staff
// set the workdir
d ##class(sc.alles).workdir("Path")
// import all the classes, pivots and dashes
d ##class(sc.alles).import()

#2 CacheUpdater

  1. Import CacheUpdater package
  2. Import the code and DeepSee staff:
// run in the terminal
d ##class(CacheUpdater.Task).Update("intersystems-ru","holefoods-test","")