
Kotlin 2.0, Arrow, Hoplite, Ktor, Exposed, Json and Test.

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Feature tests:

  1. Arrow
  2. Hoplite
  3. Ktor
  4. Exposed
  5. Json
  6. JavaFX
  7. Java Swing


Arrow has been a moving target since its inception. Consequently, not all features work as documented.


The following apps are available:

  1. console.App
  2. http.ChuckNorrisClient
  3. http.NowServer
  4. javafx.ChuckNorrisFxApp
  5. swing.ChuckNorrisApp

The default app is: console.App See the Run section below.


To upgrade Gradle, edit the version number in this file:

  • gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties

To correlate Gradle versions, select:

  • Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Build Tools > Gradle


Use Intellij gradle to clean and build project.

Alternatively use commandline gradle:

  1. gradle clean build

To run the K2 compiler, use commandline gradlew:

  1. ./gradlew clean build -Pkotlin.experimental.tryK2=true


Use Intellij gradle to clean, build, run and view tests.

Alternatively use commandline gradle:

  1. gradle clean build test
    • view results courtesy of com.adarshr.test-logger plugin
    • optionally open build/reports/tests/test/index.html in a browser


To run the default app ( console.App ):

  1. gradle run

To selectively run an Intellij app:

  1. select app from src dir
  2. right click app
  3. select run ( named 'app' )


  1. build/kotlin.log
  2. build/kotlin.test.log
