
generates tables

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


generates tables


Generating tables in LaTex can be cumbersome. The FluentLaTexTableBuilder lets you create a standard LaTex table easily.


String latexTable = new FluentLaTexTableBuilder()
	.withCaption("this is a latex table")
	.withLabel("tab:latex table")
    .withRow(Arrays.asList("cordon", "2000", "123"))

or you can use Guava's Splitter to split entire rows directly

String columns = "scenario,time,distance";
String row1 = "ref,1000,12";

String latexTable = new FluentLaTexTableBuilder()
	.withCaption("this is a latex table")
	.withLabel("tab:latex table")
    .withRow(Arrays.asList("cordon", "2000", "123"))

Both of the examples build a String containing the LaTex table pretty much like this

		\caption{this is the first table}
		\begin{tabular}{l | r | r}
			scenario & time & distance \\
			ref & 1000 & 12 \\
			cordon & 2000 & 123 \\
	\label{tab:first table}

###Format The default column format is 'l | r | r'. You change it with

.withFormat("| c | c | c |");

##without code

git clone https://github.com/oblonski/jTableGenerator.git

cd jTableGenerator

mvn package

java -jar target/jTableGenerator-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -in infile -out outfile -del delimiterInfile


Assume an infile called scenario.txt which looks like this


java -jar target/jTableGenerator-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -in scenario.txt -out latexTableScenario.txt -del ,

creates a file latexTableScenario.txt containing

		\caption{this is the first table}
		\begin{tabular}{l | r | r}
			scenario & time & distance \\
			ref & 1000 & 12 \\
			cordon & 2000 & 123 \\
	\label{tab:first table}