
A C++ library for expressing test expectations in near-english


Build Status

CppShould is a C++ library for expressing test expectations in near-english. Here's a quick example:

1 SHOULD_BE == 5;
list SHOULD Contain(2);
list SHOULD_NOT Contain(1);


The library itself only requires a modern C++ compiler. GCC 4.6 & Clang 3.1 are the main test compilers and MSVC 2010 is tested occasionally, but it may also work with others.

The tests of the library require the scons build system, and build against google test & google mock (though these will be downloaded and built as part of the build process - assuming you have wget installed)


CppShould is a header only library, so using it is just a case of including it's files and away you go.

For more detailed use information, see the documentation (which isn't complete yet. But neither is the library itself, so that's hardly surprising)


This library was inspired by a couple of projects from other languages: