A Node.js BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) central module for obniz.
Want to implement a peripheral? Checkout obniz-bleno
- Install obniz-noble and uninstall noble.
npm install obniz-noble
npm uninstall noble
- Change require method for noble
// before
const noble = require("noble");
// after
const obnizNoble = require("obniz-noble");
const obniz = require("obniz");
const noble = obnizNoble("OBNIZ_ID_HERE");
// or const noble = obnizNoble("OBNIZ_ID_HERE", {obnizOptions}, obniz);
- Setup obniz device and run your script!
For node.js
npm install obniz-noble
var obnizNoble = require('obniz-noble');
var obniz = require("obniz");
var noble = obnizNoble("OBNIZ_ID_HERE");
// or var noble = obnizNoble("OBNIZ_ID_HERE", {obnizOptions}, obniz);
For browser
<script src="https://unpkg.com/obniz/obniz.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/obniz-noble/obniz-noble.js" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
var noble = obnizNoble("OBNIZ_ID_HERE");
// or var noble = obnizNoble("OBNIZ_ID_HERE", {obnizOptions}, Obniz);
noble.startScanning(); // any service UUID, no duplicates
noble.startScanning([], true); // any service UUID, allow duplicates
var serviceUUIDs = ["<service UUID 1>", ...]; // default: [] => all
var allowDuplicates = <false|true>; // default: false
noble.startScanning(serviceUUIDs, allowDuplicates[, callback(error)]); // particular UUID's
NOTE: noble.state
must be poweredOn
before scanning is started. noble.on('stateChange', callback(state));
can be used register for state change events.
peripheral.updateRssi([callback(error, rssi)]);
peripheral.discoverServices(); // any service UUID
var serviceUUIDs = ["<service UUID 1>", ...];
peripheral.discoverServices(serviceUUIDs[, callback(error, services)]); // particular UUID's
peripheral.discoverAllServicesAndCharacteristics([callback(error, services, characteristics)]);
var serviceUUIDs = ["<service UUID 1>", ...];
var characteristicUUIDs = ["<characteristic UUID 1>", ...];
peripheral.discoverSomeServicesAndCharacteristics(serviceUUIDs, characteristicUUIDs, [callback(error, services, characteristics));
service.discoverIncludedServices(); // any service UUID
var serviceUUIDs = ["<service UUID 1>", ...];
service.discoverIncludedServices(serviceUUIDs[, callback(error, includedServiceUuids)]); // particular UUID's
service.discoverCharacteristics() // any characteristic UUID
var characteristicUUIDs = ["<characteristic UUID 1>", ...];
service.discoverCharacteristics(characteristicUUIDs[, callback(error, characteristics)]); // particular UUID's
characteristic.read([callback(error, data)]);
characteristic.write(data, withoutResponse[, callback(error)]); // data is a buffer, withoutResponse is true|false
: send a write request, used with "write" characteristic propertytrue
: send a write command, used with "write without response" characteristic property
characteristic.broadcast(broadcast[, callback(error)]); // broadcast is true|false
- subscribe to a characteristic, triggers
events when peripheral sends an notification or indication - use for characteristics with notify or indicate properties
- unsubscribe to a characteristic
- use for characteristics with notify or indicate properties
characteristic.discoverDescriptors([callback(error, descriptors)]);
descriptor.readValue([callback(error, data)]);
descriptor.writeValue(data[, callback(error)]); // data is a buffer
peripheral.readHandle(handle, callback(error, data));
peripheral.writeHandle(handle, data, withoutResponse, callback(error));
See Node.js EventEmitter docs for more info. on API's.
state = <"unknown" | "resetting" | "unsupported" | "unauthorized" | "poweredOff" | "poweredOn">
noble.on('stateChange', callback(state));
noble.on('scanStart', callback);
The event is emitted when scanning is started or if another application enables scanning or changes scanning settings.
noble.on('scanStop', callback);
The event is emitted when scanning is stopped or if another application stops scanning.
peripheral = {
id: "<id>",
address: "<BT address">, // Bluetooth Address of device, or 'unknown' if not known
addressType: "<BT address type>", // Bluetooth Address type (public, random), or 'unknown' if not known
connectable: <connectable>, // true or false, or undefined if not known
advertisement: {
localName: "<name>",
txPowerLevel: <int>,
serviceUuids: ["<service UUID>", ...],
serviceSolicitationUuid: ["<service solicitation UUID>", ...],
manufacturerData: <Buffer>,
serviceData: [
uuid: "<service UUID>"
data: <Buffer>
rssi: <rssi>
noble.on('discover', callback(peripheral));
Note: on OS X the address will be set to 'unknown' if the device has not been connected previously.
noble.on('warning', callback(message));
peripheral.once('connect', callback);
peripheral.once('disconnect', callback);
peripheral.once('rssiUpdate', callback(rssi));
peripheral.once('servicesDiscover', callback(services));
service.once('includedServicesDiscover', callback(includedServiceUuids));
characteristic = {
uuid: "<uuid>",
// properties: 'broadcast', 'read', 'writeWithoutResponse', 'write', 'notify', 'indicate', 'authenticatedSignedWrites', 'extendedProperties'
properties: [...]
service.once('characteristicsDiscover', callback(characteristics));
Emitted when characteristic read has completed, result of characteristic.read(...)
or characteristic value has been updated by peripheral via notification or indication - after having been enabled with notify(true[, callback(error)])
characteristic.on('data', callback(data, isNotification));
characteristic.once('read', callback(data, isNotification)); // legacy
Note: isNotification
event parameter value MAY be undefined
depending on platform support. The parameter is deprecated after version 1.8.1, and not supported when on macOS High Sierra and later.
Emitted when characteristic write has completed, result of characteristic.write(...)
characteristic.once('write', withoutResponse, callback());
Emitted when characteristic broadcast state changes, result of characteristic.broadcast(...)
characteristic.once('broadcast', callback(state));
Emitted when characteristic notification state changes, result of characteristic.notify(...)
characteristic.once('notify', callback(state));
descriptor = {
uuid: '<uuid>'
characteristic.once('descriptorsDiscover', callback(descriptors));
descriptor.once('valueRead', data);