An open source Python wrapper for the Unsplash REST API. The source code is available on GitHub at
is available on PyPI and thus can be installed with pip
on most platforms.
$ pip install pyunsplash
This library depends on Requests to make - well - requests to the Unsplash API. This additional package should be automatically installed at installation time, or you can simply install it by:
$ pip install requests
This example shows how the interaction with the paging functionality of the unsplash API is greatly abstracted and simplified. The code below will iterate through all collections, and retrieve each photo in there, and print their download link.
import logging
from pyunsplash import PyUnsplash
# instantiate PyUnsplash object
py_un = PyUnsplash(api_key=api_key)
# pyunsplash logger defaults to level logging.ERROR
# If you need to change that, use getLogger/setLevel
# on the module logger, like this:
# Start with the generic collection, maximize number of items
# note: this will run until all photos of all collections have
# been visited, unless a connection error occurs.
# Typically the API hourly limit gets hit during this
collections = py_un.collections(per_page=30)
while collections.has_next:
for collection in collections.entries:
photos =
for photo in photos.entries:
print collection.title, photo.link_download, photo.get_attribution()
# no need to specify per_page: will take from original object
collections = collections.get_next_page()
Documentation is published on ReadTheDocs.
PyUnsplash v1.0.0rc2 (release candidate, v2)
This is the second release candidate for production ready 1.0.0 of PyUnsplash. Thanks to all the early adopters and bug reporters: thanks to you there have been a number of improvements and bugfixes and we are progressing the rc process.
This release brings mainly one bugfix:
- #13 search.get_next_page() does not work
Todo - Authorization workflow & Current user - Write operations
PyUnsplash v1.0.0rc1 (release candidate, v1)
This is the first release candidate for production ready 1.0.0 of PyUnsplash. Thanks to all the early adopters, there have been a number of improvements and bugfixes and now should be a good time to start the rc process.
This release brings one useful addition:
- Introduction of SinglePhoto which allows instantiating a Photo object using a photo_id
- Deprecated format value 'str' in favor of 'txt' in get_attribution()
PyUnsplash v1.0.0b9 (beta, v9)
- Introduce get_attribution method in class Photo
- Update tests, examples and documentation accordingly
- Update documentation for objects supporting .body attribute
- Update Copyright years adding 2020
Todo - Authorization workflow & Current user - Write operations
PyUnsplash v1.0.0b8 (beta, v8)
- Fix documentation for random photos API endpoint
- Update library and documentation for deprecated 'curated' photos
- Update library and documentation for deprecated 'curated' collection
- Add library warning in logs for 'curated' when used
- Fix documentation for object parameter
instead oftype
- Core library now raising exception for invalid parameters
- Added support for user statistics API, and related doc and tests
Todo - Authorization workflow & Current user - Write operations
PyUnsplash v1.0.0b7 (beta, v7)
Fixed issues submitted on GitHub: - Search class: Param "type" is "type_" - Provide property for download_location in PyUnsplasy.Photo class
Todo - Authorization workflow & Current user - Write operations
PyUnsplash v1.0.0b6 (beta, v6)
Added Python3 support
Todo - Authorization workflow & Current user - Write operations
PyUnsplash v1.0.0b5 (beta, v5)
Todo - Authorization workflow & Current user - Write operations
PyUnsplash v1.0.0b4 (beta, v4)
Todo - Authorization workflow & Current user - Write operations
PyUnsplash v1.0.0b3 (beta, v3)
Still troubles in getting Travis-Ci and PyPI publishing automation tied.
Todo - Get PyPI publishing automated via Travis-Ci after tag commits. - Authorization workflow & Current user - Write operations
PyUnsplash v1.0.0b2 (beta, v2)
Getting Travis-Ci and PyPI publishing automation tied.
Todo - Authorization workflow & Current user - Write operations
PyUnsplash v1.0.0b1 (beta, v1)
Logging subsystem overhaul, now cleaner. Changes have percolated across many files. Documentation checked and verified, and issues fixed.
Todo - Get PyPI publishing automated via
Travis-Ci after tag commits.
- Authorization workflow & Current user
- Write operations
PyUnsplash v1.0.0a3 (alpha, v3)
v1.0.0a2 broke the library with the attempt to import the build number from Travis via the environment variable, which obviously vanishes outside of the CI system. Fixed. Will need a different solution if I really want/need build numbering inside the library version number.
PyUnsplash v1.0.0a2 (alpha, v2)
Added support and integration for more tools, which also required some code cleanup:
- integrate and run automated unit tests
- integrate with CodeCov
- integrate with CodeClimate
- Todo
- Still struggling to get PyPI publishing automated via Travis-Ci after tag commits.
PyUnsplash v1.0.0a1 (alpha, v1)
This first release offers read-only capabilities to the Unsplash REST API. Although with this limitation, I thought it would be useful to start exposing the library and collect feedback from the community early on.
Features that are right now on my TODO list:
- Authorization workflow & Current user
- Write operations
- Desired:
- More unit-test coverage
- Documentation review
PyUnsplash is released under the MIT License.