
Semantic search through a vectorized Wikipedia (SentenceBERT) with the Weaviate vector search engine

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Semantic search through Wikipedia with the Weaviate vector search engine

Weaviate is an open source vector search engine with build-in vectorization and question answering modules. We imported the complete English language Wikipedia article dataset into a single Weaviate instance to conduct semantic search queries through the Wikipedia articles, besides this, we've made all the graph relations between the articles too. We have made the import scripts, pre-processed articles, and backup available so that you can run the complete setup yourself.

In this repository, you'll find the 3-steps needed to replicate the import, but there are also downlaods available to skip the first two steps.

If you like what you see, a ⭐ on the Weaviate Github repo or joining our Slack is appreciated.

Additional links:



description value
Articles imported 11.348.257
Paragaphs imported 27.377.159
Graph cross references 125.447.595
Wikipedia version truthy October 9th, 2021
Machine for inference 12 CPU – 100 GB RAM – 250Gb SSD – 1 x NVIDIA Tesla P4
Weaviate version v1.7.2
Dataset size 122GB

Example queries

Example semantic search queries in Weaviate's GraphQL interface


There are 3-steps in the import process. You can also skip the first two and directly import the backup

Step 1: Process the Wikipedia dump

In this process, the Wikipedia dataset is processed and cleaned (the markup is removed, HTML tags are removed, etc). The output file is a JSON Lines document that will be used in the next step.

Process from the Wikimedia dump:

$ cd step-1
$ wget https://dumps.wikimedia.org/enwiki/latest/enwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml.bz2
$ bzip2 -d filename.bz2
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ python3 process.py

The import takes a few hours, so probably you want to do something like:

$ nohup python3 -u process.py &

You can also download the processed file from October 9th, 2021, and skip the above steps

$ wget https://storage.googleapis.com/semi-technologies-public-data/wikipedia-en-articles.json.gz
$ gunzip wikipedia-en-articles.json.gz

Step 2: Import the dataset and vectorized the content

Weaviate takes care of the complete import and vectorization process but you'll need some GPU and CPU muscle to achieve this. Important to bear in mind is that this is only needed on import time. If you don't want to spend the resources on doing the import, you can go to the next step in the process and download the Weaviate backup. The machine needed for inference is way cheaper.

We will be using a single Weaviate instance, but four Tesla T4 GPUs that we will stuff with 8 models each. To efficiently do this, we are going to add an NGINX load balancer between Weaviate and the vectorizers.

Weaviate Wikipedia import architecture with transformers and vectorizers

  • Every Weaviate text2vec-module will be using a multi-qa-MiniLM-L6-cos-v1 sentence transformer.
  • The volume is mounted outside the container to /var/weaviate. This allows us to use this folder as a backup that can be imported in the next step.
  • Make sure to have Docker-compose with GPU support installed.
  • The import scripts assumes that the JSON file is called wikipedia-en-articles.json.
$ cd step-2
$ docker-compose up -d
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ python3 import.py

The import takes a few hours, so probably you want to do something like:

$ nohup python3 -u import.py &

After the import is done, you can shut down the Docker containers by running docker-compose down.

You can now query the dataset!

Step 3: Load from backup

Start here if you want to work with a backup of the dataset without importing it

You can now run the dataset! We would advise running it with 1 GPU, but you can also run it on CPU only (without Q&A). The machine you need for inference is significantly smaller.

Note that Weaviate needs some time to import the backup (if you use the setup mentioned above +/- 15min). You can see the status of the backup in the docker logs of the Weaviate container.

# clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/semi-technologies/semantic-search-through-Wikipedia-with-Weaviate/
# go into the backup dir
$ cd step-3
# download the Weaviate backup
$ curl https://storage.googleapis.com/semi-technologies-public-data/weaviate-1.8.0-rc.2-backup-wikipedia-py-en-multi-qa-MiniLM-L6-cos.tar.gz -O
# untar the backup (112G unpacked)
$ tar -xvzf weaviate-1.8.0-rc.2-backup-wikipedia-py-en-multi-qa-MiniLM-L6-cos.tar.gz
# get the unpacked directory
$ echo $(pwd)/var/weaviate
# use the above result (e.g., /home/foobar/var/weaviate)
#   update volumes in docker-compose.yml (NOT PERSISTENCE_DATA_PATH!) to the above output
#   (e.g., 
#     volumes:
#       - /home/foobar/var/weaviate:/var/lib/weaviate
#   )    
#   With 12 CPUs this process takes about 12 to 15 minutes to complete.
#   The Weaviate instance will be available directly, but the cache is pre-filling in this timeframe

With GPU

$ cd step-3
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-gpu.yml up -d

Without GPU

$ cd step-3
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-no-gpu.yml up -d

Example queries

"Where is the States General of The Netherlands located?" try it live!

# Using the Q&A module I
  Get {
      ask: {
        question: "Where is the States General of The Netherlands located?"
        properties: ["content"]
      limit: 1
    ) {
      _additional {
        answer {

"What was the population of the Dutch city Utrecht in 2019?" try it live!

# Using the Q&A module II
  Get {
      ask: {
        question: "What was the population of the Dutch city Utrecht in 2019?"
        properties: ["content"]
      limit: 1
    ) {
      _additional {
        answer {

About the concept "Italian food" try it live!

# Generic question about Italian food
  Get {
      nearText: {
        concepts: ["Italian food"]
      limit: 50
    ) {
      inArticle {
        ... on Article {

"What was Michael Brecker's first saxophone?" in the Wikipedia article about "Michael Brecker" try it live!

# Mixing scalar queries and semantic search queries
  Get {
      ask: {
        question: "What was Michael Brecker's first saxophone?"
        properties: ["content"]
      where: {
        operator: Equal
        path: ["inArticle", "Article", "title"]
        valueString: "Michael Brecker"
      limit: 1
    ) {
      _additional {
        answer {
      inArticle {
        ... on Article {

Get all Wikipedia graph connections for "jazz saxophone players" try it live!

# Mixing semantic search queries with graph connections
  Get {
      nearText: {
        concepts: ["jazz saxophone players"]
      limit: 25
    ) {
      inArticle {
        ... on Article { # <== Graph connection I
          hasParagraphs { # <== Graph connection II
            ... on Paragraph {