
LaTeX 2e class for thesis and dissertations at the University of Central Florida

This class is designed to replace the ucfthes class, which is based upon an
older thesis class that uses a significant amount of plain TeX to meet its
formatting requirements.

Install this class using the standard method for you TeX distribution.  For
help, see:
Move the UCFthesis directory into a standard location for your TeX
distribution.  For example, on a Linux system it could go into 
/home/your_username/texmf/tex/latex/.  You then need to tell TeX to find the
new class--on Linux, run texhash (you may need to have superuser privileges for
this to work.)  

If you are using Lyx (http://www.lyx.org/), copy the file UCFthesis.layout to a
directory where Lyx can find it (such as /home/your_username/.lyx/layouts).  In
Lyx, go to Tools->Reconfigure and then restart Lyx.

Design Goals:
1. Separate logical formatting from layout details
The user's documents will not need to contain formatting details.

2. Use LaTeX commands, not plain TeX

3. Use standard packages to meet formatting requirements

4. Be as consistent as possible with the latest LaTeX standards