
Here are the scripts and steps i took to create a momir basic thermal printer, using a cheap thermal printer and a raspberry pi

Primary LanguagePython


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Here are the scripts and steps i took to create a momir basic thermal printer, using a cheap thermal printer and a raspberry pi

A step by step on how this was done is

  • Get the latest MTGJSON AtomicCards.json file from mtgjson.com
  • Extract the scryfall id's and other useful information form the JSON file
  • Get the image url's from scryfall and download them to one folder per cmc
  • Using imagemagick convert the jpgs to monochrome grayscale
  • Connect buttons, thermal printer and OLED screen to Raspberry Pi GPIO pins
  • Add python script, and image files to Raspberry Pi
  • Add python script to crontab startup so that it is automatically started when the Pi is powered on

Description of files:
get_image_urls_from_scryfall.py - Get URLs for the actual image files from Scryfall, uses the Scryfall API and creates a new JSON file for us
download_images_from_scryfall.py - Downloads the actual images into folders from Scryfalls database
convert_images_to_monochrome.sh - Converts the JPG files into monochrome BMP files, this needs to be run on a Linux installation with imagemagick
momir_basic.py - Actual python program that runs on the Pi for the printer

I used the following hardware
3x KY-004 Push Button
3x 1k OHM Resistors (optional, but will extend the lifetime of your buttons. They should be placed between the 3.3v and the button in that case)
1x 3 x 0.91" OLED 128 x 32 pixels I2C Screen
1x Raspberry Pi 4
1x QR204 Thermal Printer
1x 12V Female 2.1mm x 5.5mm DC Power Jack Adapter
1x 9v 2A Male DC Power Adapter
1x Power cable for Raspberry PI
1x Soldering Breadboard
1x 32gb micro SD card
Dupont Cables

I started the project with the aim of using a Arduino UNO instead of the Raspberry PI, but after many hours of troubleshooting and retrying things I realized that my thermal printer simply was incompatible with most common thermal printer modules for the Arduino.

I could never get it to print images no matter what I tried. So I ended up pivoting to the Rapsberry Pi instead. I am sure that you can get this to work on a Arduino with a compatible thermal printer, if so you probably want to use imagemagick to convert the monochrome images to BIN files instead, the code for that would look something like this

Convert to BIN example

#Create a new folder for the binary files

mkdir -p ../binary_files

#Iterate through each BMP file and convert it to binary (PBM), remove header, and pad zero

for file in *.bmp; do echo "Creating BIN file for: $file"

# Define the output filename in the binary_files directory by replacing the extension with pbm
output_file="../binary_files/$(basename -- "$file" .bmp).pbm"

# Use ImageMagick's convert command to convert BMP to binary (PBM) with a depth of 1
convert "$file" -threshold 50% -compress none pbm:- | \

# Remove the PBM header and pad zeros to make the height even
awk 'NR>2 {print $0} END{if(NR%2!=0) print "0"}' > "$output_file"
