Here are the scripts and steps i took to create a momir basic thermal printer, using a cheap thermal printer and a raspberry pi
A step by step on how this was done is
- Get the latest MTGJSON AtomicCards.json file from
- Extract the scryfall id's and other useful information form the JSON file
- Get the image url's from scryfall and download them to one folder per cmc
- Using imagemagick convert the jpgs to monochrome grayscale
- Connect buttons, thermal printer and OLED screen to Raspberry Pi GPIO pins
- Add python script, and image files to Raspberry Pi
- Add python script to crontab startup so that it is automatically started when the Pi is powered on
Description of files: - Get URLs for the actual image files from Scryfall, uses the Scryfall API and creates a new JSON file for us - Downloads the actual images into folders from Scryfalls database - Converts the JPG files into monochrome BMP files, this needs to be run on a Linux installation with imagemagick - Actual python program that runs on the Pi for the printer
I used the following hardware
3x KY-004 Push Button
3x 1k OHM Resistors (optional, but will extend the lifetime of your buttons. They should be placed between the 3.3v and the button in that case)
1x 3 x 0.91" OLED 128 x 32 pixels I2C Screen
1x Raspberry Pi 4
1x QR204 Thermal Printer
1x 12V Female 2.1mm x 5.5mm DC Power Jack Adapter
1x 9v 2A Male DC Power Adapter
1x Power cable for Raspberry PI
1x Soldering Breadboard
1x 32gb micro SD card
Dupont Cables
I started the project with the aim of using a Arduino UNO instead of the Raspberry PI, but after many hours of troubleshooting and retrying things I realized that my thermal printer simply was incompatible with most common thermal printer modules for the Arduino.
I could never get it to print images no matter what I tried. So I ended up pivoting to the Rapsberry Pi instead. I am sure that you can get this to work on a Arduino with a compatible thermal printer, if so you probably want to use imagemagick to convert the monochrome images to BIN files instead, the code for that would look something like this
#Create a new folder for the binary files
mkdir -p ../binary_files
#Iterate through each BMP file and convert it to binary (PBM), remove header, and pad zero
for file in *.bmp; do echo "Creating BIN file for: $file"
# Define the output filename in the binary_files directory by replacing the extension with pbm
output_file="../binary_files/$(basename -- "$file" .bmp).pbm"
# Use ImageMagick's convert command to convert BMP to binary (PBM) with a depth of 1
convert "$file" -threshold 50% -compress none pbm:- | \
# Remove the PBM header and pad zeros to make the height even
awk 'NR>2 {print $0} END{if(NR%2!=0) print "0"}' > "$output_file"