Cisco ISE Email Notifications


The Challenge

While enterprise customers usually have a SOC team monitoring the various security systems for alerts, not all customer have the resources for SOC or a centralized monitoring and event management systems. These customers would prefer to use email notifications as an alerting mechanism for RADIUS failures on ISE. However, (currently) ISE does not have a built-in capability to send detailed email upon RADIUS failures, ISE can send an alert when the amount of failures cross a certain threshold.

With Cisco ISE's open APIs - that does not need to stop us.

The Solution

This code will leverage ISE's pxGrid API to fetch RADIUS failures from ISE and send them via mail.

How to run the script on Docker:

There are several options for running this script:

  1. Running the code on a computer/server with Python. Probably the easiest, but a waste of resources.
  2. Running the code on a Docker container. Requires to install Docker.
  3. Running the code on a Cisco device using Guestshell (Cisco Guestshell is a virtualized Linux-based environment, designed to run custom Linux applications, including Python for automated control and management of Cisco devices). See details below.

High-level overview of the flow

pxGrid is a protocol framework of high level mechanisms that can be use with any type of transport protocol. It does not bind to any transport. The implementation of pxGrid protocol describe in this document is specific to Cisco ISE. In other words, only the mechanism follows pxGrid protocol framework, the data formats and transports are specific to Cisco ISE. The following provides a very high-level overview of a typical pxGrid client’s logical flow:

Using pxGrid as consumer

A consumer perform the following steps:

  1. AccountCreate: Create a pxGrid account (if one does not exist), and retrieve a system generated password for the account.
  2. AccountActivation: Activate once at consumer startup.
  3. ServiceLookup: Locate the relevant node for the required action/data.
  4. AccessSecret: Get a unique secret between 2 nodes.
  5. Access the relevant data (using the relevant secret).

Reference to official documentation


The ISE REST APIs - also known as External RESTful Services (ERS) - are disabled by default for security. You must enable it:

  1. Login to your ISE PAN using the admin or other SuperAdmin user.
  2. Navigate to Administration > System > Settings and select ERS Settings from the left panel.
  3. Enable the ERS APIs by selecting Enable ERS for Read/Write
  4. Do not enable CSRF unless you know how to use the tokens.
  5. Select Save to save your changes.

Note: its good practice to disable CSRF to make sure you are able to authenticate successfully.

Reference to official documentation

Enable pxGrid

  1. Login to your ISE PAN using the admin or other SuperAdmin user.
  2. Navigate to Administration > System > Deployment and select ERS Settings from the left panel.

3. Create a client certificate #TODO

Set a environment variables file

ISE_IP= <ISE hostname/IP>
MAIL_USER= <SMTP username>
MAIL_PASS= <SMTP password>
MAIL_PORT= <SMTP TCP port, default is 465>
MAIL_DEST= <Email destinations>
PXGRID_USER= <pxGrid user, default is ise_to_mail>

Create a Docker image

docker build -t ise_to_mail .

Run the Docker

docker run -d --env-file <path to env file> -v <path to data dir>:/Cisco-ISE-Email-Notifications/data ise_to_mail

running the Docker in interactive mode: docker run -ti --env-file <path to env file> -v <path to data dir>:/Cisco-ISE-Email-Notifications/data ise_to_mail

Approve new pxGrid user

During the first run, the script will create a new pxGrid user (see environment variables). An ISE admin will need to Approve the new pxGrid user.

  1. Login to your ISE PAN using the admin or other SuperAdmin user.
  2. Navigate to Administration > pxGrid Services and select the new user.
  3. Enable the user by selecting the "approve" button.

How to run the script on Guestshell:

Cisco Guestshell is a virtualized Linux-based environment, designed to run custom Linux applications, including Python for automated control and management of Cisco devices. Guestshell is available on many Cisco products including Catalyst 9000 series switches, Catalyst 9800 Wireless controllers, ISR 4000 series routers, ASR 1000 series routers, Catalyst 8000 series routers, Nexus 9000 series switches, etc'.

Running the code on guestshell is almost identical to running it on Docker. The only exception is the repeatable loop will be done by IOS-XE/NX-OS - ensuring the script will continue to run even after the device is rebooted/upgraded.

Enable guestshell on the switch

Link to the Cisco configuration guide. Make sure python3 is available (guestshell run python -V or guestshell run python3 -V)

Install the requests module

pip install requests

First time preparation

  1. Enter guestshell
  2. Create a directory: mkdir /bootflash/guest-share/ise_to_mail
  3. Create a directory: mkdir /bootflash/guest-share/ise_to_mail/data
  4. Use vi /bootflash/guest-share/ise_to_mail/ to create a new python file, copy and paste the content of the file in the new file. If you choose to keep the filename guestshell, make sure to adjust the EEM script below
  5. Use vi /bootflash/guest-share/ise_to_mail/data/ to create an environment variables file.
  6. Use vi ~/.bashrc' to add 'source <path to> that will use the env variables everytime guestshell starts.
  7. Create an EEM applet that will run the script every 10 minutes:
    conf t
     event manager applet ise_to_mail
      event timer cron cron-entry "*/10 * * * *"
      action 1.0 cli command "enable"
      action 2.0 cli command "guestshell run python3 /bootflash/guest-share/ise_to_mail/"
      action 3.0 syslog msg "Running the ISE_to_MAIL script"

What to expect

"failure" object

Name Type Description
id string
timestamp ISO8601 Datetime The time this record was created in ISE.
failureReason string The reason for the authentication failure
userName string
serverName string ISE server name where failure occured
callingStationId string Radius Calling-Station-ID
auditSessionId string
nasIpAddress string
nasPortId string
nasPortType string
ipAddresses array of string
macAddress string
messageCode integer
destinationIpAddress string
userType string
accessService string
identityStore string
identityGroup string
authenticationMethod string
authenticationProtocol string
serviceType string
networkDeviceName string
deviceType string
location string
selectedAznProfiles string
postureStatus string
ctsSecurityGroup string
response string
responseTime integer Time taken to response in millisecond
executionSteps string
credentialCheck string
endpointProfile string
mdmServerName string
policySetName string
authorizationRule string
mseResponseTime time
mseServerName string
originalCallingStationId string


    'id': '1603571391695194',
    'accessService': 'Default Network Access',
    'authenticationMethod': 'PAP_ASCII',
    'authenticationProtocol': 'PAP_ASCII',
    'authorizationRule': 'VTY_Access',
    'callingStationId': '',
    'credentialCheck': 'PAP_ASCII',
    'deviceType': 'All Device Types',
    'executionSteps': ['11001', '11017', '11117', '15049', '15008', '15041', '15048', '22072', '15013', '24210', '24212', '22037', '24715', '15036', '24432', '24325', '24313', '24369', '24322', '24352', '24708', '15048', '15048', '15048', '15016', '22081', '22080', '11002'],
    'identityGroup': 'User Identity Groups:NetAdmin',
    'identityStore': 'Internal Users',
    'location': 'All Locations',
    'messageCode': 5200,
    'nasIpAddress': '',
    'nasName': '',
    'nasPortId': 'tty2',
    'nasPortType': 'Virtual',
    'originalCallingStationId': '',
    'policySetName': 'Default',
    'response': '{Class=CACS:0a388ef04VVqNxvE7EBPlsyYh02hC8caTDOu7tEORZIt0fQZA:ISE-SDA/392945955/2796; }',
    'responseTime': 20,
    'selectedAuthorizationProfiles': ['PermitAccess'],
    'serverName': 'ISE-SDA',
    'serviceType': 'Login',
    'timestamp': '2020-10-28T07:34:11.876Z',
    'userName': 'netadmin',
    'userType': 'User'

Licensing info

Copyright (c) 2020 Cisco and/or its affiliates.

This software is licensed to you under the terms of the Cisco Sample Code License, Version 1.1 (the "License"). You may obtain a copy of the License at


All use of the material herein must be in accordance with the terms of the License. All rights not expressly granted by the License are reserved. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to separately in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.