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The Odin Project dark theme |
Dark theme for The Odin Project
- Theme secondary pages (about, faq, sign-up/log-in)
- Community?
- Create variables
- Clean up code base and add comments
- Inline code blocks given background to improved legibility
- Fixed font color on pre code blocks
- Curriculum text color fixed after logging in
- Tweaked code background for increased contrast between it and the page
- Footer link color
- An attempt to fix Chrome compatibility.
- This is a work in progress
- Curriculum pages was a priority in this release
- Base dark theme applied to curriculum pages and home page
You should be using the browser add-on Stylus. Do not use Stylish as it has security issues. For reference, Stylus on GitHub.
Stylus for Firefox - this works on the mobile version too!
If the above button does not work, you can simply go to the respective OpenUserCSS or Userstyles.org pages and install it.