
Atari System 1 compatible FPGA core - port for Analogue Pocket

Primary LanguageVerilog

Atari System 1

Atari-System-1-compatible FPGA core for Analogue Pocket.

Based on the FPGA Atari System 1 core by d18c7db (Alex), ported from the MiSTer version.


Supports all five Atari System 1 games that run on the original FPGA core:

  • Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
  • Marble Madness
  • Peter Pack-Rat
  • Road Runner
  • RoadBlasters


Service Mode

Toggling "Service mode" in the interact menu will reset the game to its service menu. From here you can set the difficulty, health-per-coin, and other game parameters, as well as run through the various diagnostics tests.

Toggle "service mode" off to reset the game with the settings applied.

Note: settings do not persist after exiting the core

Control Options for Marble Madness

In handheld mode, the Marble is controlled with the dpad.

When docked and paired with a controller with analog controls, the left analog stick can be used to precisely control the Marble's speed and direction.

Analog controls for RoadBlasters

When docked and paired with a controller with analog controls, the left analog stick can be used for precise steering, while the right analog stick can be used to control the throttle.

Analog controls for Road Runner

When docked and paired with a controller with analog controls, the left analog stick can be used for movement.

Control Sensitivity

Control sensitivity can be selected for games featuring analog controls (Road Runner, RoadBlasters, and Marble Madness).

Three sensitivity settings are available from the interact menu - low, medium, and high.

  • High-sensitivity controls allow for faster speeds and direction changes, at the expense of precision.
  • Low-sensitivity controls allow for greater precision of movement, at the expense of maximum speed.


No ROM files are included with this release.

Install the contents of the release to the root of the SD card.

Place the .rom files for the supported games onto the SD card under Assets/system1/common.

Note that generating the .rom format binaries used by this core is a bit more complex than usual.

First, you must run the associated per-game patching script to build intermediate zip files, containing assets from the base from the required ROMs corresponding to the files found in the most recent MAME release. These scripts pad the necessary roms to the required sizes, and place all dependencies in a single archive.

Then, these intermediate files can be processed using mra-tool with the provided .mra files to generate the correct .rom files accepted by the core.

Note: these scripts have been tested on Linux; your mileage may vary on other targets.

Note: the .mra files provided are heaviliy modified from the original versions in MiSTeR due to the limitations of mra-tool (necessitating the rom pre-patching scripts). The original .mra files will not work for this core.



  • Minor control updates
    • (RoadBlasters) Fix issues with analog controllers not working in dock
    • (Marble Madness) Holding "Y" now boosts marble speed to the "Fast" analog sensitivity value.


  • Major refactoring to fix graphical bugs on newer pocekts.
    • Added SDRAM timing constraints.
    • Configured SDRAM I/O for fast input mode.
    • Switch to integer PLL structure, with dedicated PLL for SDRAM clock.
    • Integrated agg23's SDRAM controller.
    • Use SDRAM Controller's clock generation instead of driving separately via PLL.
    • Updated SDRAM CAS latency to CAS3 (datasheet says to use CAS3 beyond 85MHz)
    • Use BRAM for 64K of gfx rom, allowing us to avoid quad-word SDRAM reads.
  • Restore "Reset" and "Service Mode" interact options for games with analog controls.


  • Initial Release.


All new materials for this port are licensed under the terms of the GPLv3.

Please see the headers and license files for the licensing terms of the individual dependencies.


Original Atari System-1 FPGA-compatible core by d18c7db (Alex)
# JT51
YM2151 clone in verilog. FPGA proven.
(c) Jose Tejada 2016. Twitter: @topapate
sdram-controller by agg23