
Simple WebSocket throughput testing tool

Primary LanguageJavaBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Leeches with Vacuums

Simple WebSocket throughput testing tool.


Runs entirely through a Gradle task runLWV, passing in the required system properties.

Simple example

./gradlew leeches -Dlwv.url="ws://localhost:8080/endpoint" -Dlwv.connections=100

Connects to the given URL using 100 connections, consuming messages as fast as the bandwidth allows.

Rate limiting

./gradlew leeches -Dlwv.url="ws://localhost:8080/endpoint" -Dlwv.delay.min=5 -Dlwv.delay.max=10 -Dlwv.connections=100

Applies a varying degree of rate limiting - a random time penalty ranging from 5 ms per message (best case) to 10 ms (worst case).

Supported properties

The following is a complete list of supported properties and their default values. All times are in milliseconds.

lwv.connections     : 1
lwv.delay.max       : 0
lwv.delay.min       : 0
lwv.idleTimeout     : 600000
lwv.reportInterval  : 5000
lwv.url             : ws://localhost:8080


As an added bonus, Leeches also come with a simple WebSocket server for generating traffic called Pump. Pump simply waits for inbound connections and then starts pumping simple text messages to the receiving endpoint. It supports a similar set of parameters as Leeches - you can configure the throttle rate, timeouts, and so forth.

./gradlew pump -Dlwv.port=8080 -Dlwv.path=/

The following is a complete list of supported properties and their default values. All times are in milliseconds.

lwv.delay.max       : 0
lwv.delay.min       : 0
lwv.idleTimeout     : 600000
lwv.maxBacklog      : 10000
lwv.message         : hello
lwv.path            : /
lwv.pingInterval    : 60000
lwv.port            : 8080
lwv.reportInterval  : 5000

Running from Docker

You can run the gradle build from a JDK-equipped Docker base image, such as openjdk:8u131-jdk-alpine. Assuming that leeches is cloned into ~/code/leecheswithvacuums, run the following:

docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -v ~/code/leecheswithvacuums:/leeches openjdk:8u131-jdk-alpine
cd leeches
./gradlew pump -Dlwv.port=8080 -Dlwv.path=/ 


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