
Extension to ox-jexkyll for better export of subtrees

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


Extension to ox-jexkyll for better export of subtrees. This is only possible thanks to ox-jekyll, from the org-octopress repo (a copy is provided in this repo).

Please note, this is not a package, this is a script. Feel free to submit issues if you run into problems, just be aware that this does not fully conform with usual package standards.


Place this in your load-path, add the following lines to your init file, and invoke M-x endless/export-to-blog to export a subtree as a blog post.

(autoload 'endless/export-to-blog "jekyll-once")
(setq org-jekyll-use-src-plugin t)

;; Obviously, these two need to be changed for your blog.
(setq endless/blog-base-url "http://endlessparentheses.com/")
(setq endless/blog-dir (expand-file-name "~/Git-Projects/blog/"))