
List the top ones GitHub repositories which use Kotlin, are public and starred at least 1000 times

Primary LanguageKotlin


This app list the top ones GitHub repositories which use Kotlin, are public and starred at least 1000 times.


It's a MVVM-fragmentless-single activity app + clean architecture


UI: Activity - Screen - ViewModel
Domain: UseCase
Data: Mapper - Repository

Libraries choice


Compose + Navigation + Paging3 + Coil.
I wanted to use Compose in a real context and experiment fragmentless implementation.

Dependency injection

Koin is used because is easy to setup/use and supports Compose.


  • OpenId AppAuth is used for the OAuth authentication flow.
  • Apollo is used to consume GitHub GraphQL API.


  • Mockk because it's handy, powerful and simplify mock of suspending functions.
  • Kluent for fluent assertion I like how it makes tests more readable.


  • KotlinX DateTime is a multiplatform Kotlin date/time API, used to have a fully Kotlin domain layer which could be reused on another platform.
  • Jetpack Security for EncryptedSharedPreferences to store securely API token.
  • Gradle Kotlin DSL to make gradle great again.


  • Learn GraphQL and deal with the GitHub GraphQL API which it's a tedious to query and doesn't provide filters mechanisms.
  • Use Compose outside of a Codelabs with real constraints.
  • Implement AppAuth in a clean architecture was tedious because strongly tied to some android components (e.g. Intent and Activity).

Testing strategy

  • Main focus on domain layer testing because our tests base should reflect our specifications.
  • Test mapper on the data layer, test repository when it's make sense (e.g. test two data sources management behavior).
  • Integration tests to test the application flow.

UI/UX improvements

  • Error handling, display error and provide a retry mechanism.
  • Implement a real theme to replace the default generated one.
  • UI for large screens.

Architecture improvement

  • Split into modules


80%: missing error handling and fancy UI and navigation
I estimate the remaining time of 2-3 days