Demo client/server Websocket Application that leverage SUMU stack as a messaging backbone.
Live Demo is here:
To test this demo with your own infrastructure, you have to provision a SUMU stack. you will find instructions on how you can deploy a SUMU stack here
The server is an AWS Lambda Function which is:
- Subscribed to SUMU output messages SNS Topic.
- Has SUMU output messages SQS queue as event source.
- Publish notifications though SUMU input notifications SNS Topic.
- Sends notifications through SUMU input notifications SQS Queue.
The required environment variables by the server are:
: SUMU DynamoDB connections table. -
: SUMU Input Notifications topic ARN. -
: SUMU Input Notifications topic ARN.
The client is a React Application which implement these features:
- Sign in using Google SSO with Firebase.
- Connects to SUMU websocket API Gateway.
- Disconnect from SUMU websocket API Gateway.
- Periodic KeepAlive (Ping/Pong) to keep connections active.
- Publishing messages to the messages SNS Topic through API Gateway.
- Sending messages to the messages SQS Queue through API Gateway.
- Retrieve the list of connected users.
- Receives users ONLINE/OFFLINE events and update the connected users list accordingly.
- Implement multiple publish and send push modes:
- UNICAST: sends an echo message that will be received by just the sender.
- MULTICAST: sends a message to multiple selected users except the sender.
- BROADCAST: sends a message to all connected users except the sender.
The required environment variables by the client app are:
: Firebase API Key -
: Firebase Project ID -
: Firebase Auth Domain -
: Firebase measurement ID -
: SUMU Websocket URL
You can deploy the server as an AWS Lambda Function using the Terraform Module in infra
module "sumu_demo" {
source = "./infra"
prefix = local.prefix
common_tags = local.common_tags
# Input
messages_topic_arn = module.sumu.messages["topic"]["arn"]
messages_queue_arn = module.sumu.messages["queue"]["arn"]
# Output
notifications_topic = module.sumu.notifications["topic"]
notifications_queue = module.sumu.notifications["queue"]
connections_table = module.sumu.connections_table
# Github
pre_release = true
s3_artifacts = {
arn = aws_s3_bucket.artifacts.arn
bucket = aws_s3_bucket.artifacts.bucket
github = {
owner = "obytes"
webhook_secret = "not-secret"
connection_arn = "arn:aws:codestar-connections:us-east-1:{ACCOUNT_ID}:connection/{CONNECTION_ID}"
github_repository = {
name = "aws-sumu-demo"
branch = "main"
# Notifications
ci_notifications_slack_channels = {
info = "ci-info"
alert = "ci-alert"