
Manage Global API Gateway Resources

Primary LanguageHCL

Terraform AWS Gato

Manage Global API Gateway Resources and API Gateway resources for provisioning custom domain, mapping the domain with multiple API Gateway HTTP/WS APIs and API Gateway Stages and Exposing the APIs through route53 or cloudflare records.


  • AWS API Gateway HTTP or Websocket API and its Stage.
  • A route53 or cloudflare zone (That you own of course)
  • An ACM certificate for your API Gateway custom domains


module "gato" {
  source      = "git::https://github.com/obytes/terraform-aws-gato.git//modules/core-route53"
  prefix      = local.prefix
  common_tags = local.common_tags

  # DNS
  r53_zone_id = aws_route53_zone.prerequisite.zone_id
  cert_arn    = aws_acm_certificate.prerequisite.arn
  domain_name = "kodhive.com"
  sub_domains = {
    stateless = "api"
    statefull = "ws"

  # Rest APIS
  http_apis = [
      id    = module.aws_lambda_api_accounts.http_api_id
      key   = "accounts"
      stage = module.aws_lambda_api_accounts.http_api_stage_name
      id    = module.aws_lambda_api_products.http_api_id
      key   = "products"
      stage = module.aws_lambda_api_products.http_api_stage_name
      id    = module.aws_lambda_api_payment.http_api_id
      key   = "payment"
      stage = module.aws_lambda_api_payment.http_api_stage_name
  ws_apis = [
      id    = module.push_notification_api.ws_api_id
      key   = "push"
      stage = module.push_notification_api.ws_api_stage_name

This will expose the following APIs: