
Terraform module to automate creation of AWS tags and Name Attribute

Primary LanguageHCLMIT LicenseMIT


A Terraform open-source module to automate the creation of tags, the Name key and other attributes across resources in AWS, the Name prefix is based on a customizable order passed by the prefix_order variable with a default value of ["enviroemnt", "project_name", "region", "name", "attributes"] and a configurable delimiter variable with value of -.


The module supports the following:

  • Optionally limiting the id variable length to a specific number of chars by modifying the prefix_lenght_limit variable, defaulted to 0 which means no limit.
  • Optionally configure the case letter of tag_key_case and tag_value_case, defaults to title, lower respectively.
  • A random string will be created using the random provider that will be used in case of creating a truncated id, prefix_legnth_limit !=0.
  • Supporting a configurable regex_substitute_chars variable which will replace any non-alphanumeric chars passed to enviroment, project_name, region and, name, defaulted to "/[^(a-z)(A-Z)(0-9)$]/".
  • A validation mechanism to validate some input variables e.g. tag_key_case, tag_value_case, region
  • Optional attributes which will be added automatically to tags variable and id


Example 1

module "label" {
  source = "github.com/obytes/terraform-aws-tag.git?ref=v1.0.7"
  environment = "dev"
  project_name = "obytes"
  region = "me-south-1"
  delimiter = "+"
  attributes  = ["private"]
  enabled = true
  prefix_length_limit = 10

The above example will generate the below output that can be passed to another label module to create a new id that has the base values used on label_1 module

context = {
  "additional_tags" = {}
  "attributes" = [
  "delimiter" = "+"
  "enabled" = "true"
  "environment" = "dev"
  "prefix_length_limit" = 10
  "prefix_order" = [
  "project_name" = "obytes"
  "region" = "me-south-1"
  "tag_key_case" = "title"
  "tag_value_case" = "lower"
  "tags" = {}
id = dev+n4rnkc
tags = {
  "Attributes" = "private"
  "Environment" = "dev"
  "Name" = "dev+n4rnkc"
  "Project_name" = "obytes"
  "Region" = "mesouth1"

Check the example folder for more details scenarios.


Name Version
terraform >=0.13.0
random 3.1.0


Name Version
random 3.1.0


No modules.


Name Type
random_string.this resource


Name Description Type Default Required
additional_tags Additional Tags, tags which can be accessed by module..tags_as_list not added to .. map(string) {} no
attributes A list of attributes e.g. private, shared, cost_center list(string) null no
company_name The company name or client name, could be fullName or abbreviation such as ex string null no
context n/a any
"additional_tags": {},
"attributes": [],
"company_name": null,
"delimiter": null,
"enabled": true,
"environment": null,
"prefix_length_limit": 0,
"prefix_order": [
"project_name": null,
"random_string": null,
"regex_substitute_chars": null,
"region": null,
"tag_key_case": "title",
"tag_value_case": "lower",
"tags": {}
delimiter Delimiter to be used between project_name, environment, region and, name.
Defaults to - (hyphen). Set to "" to use no delimiter at all.
string null no
enabled A boolean to enable or disable tagging/labeling module string null no
environment Environment, the environment name such as 'stg', 'prd', 'dev' string null no
prefix_length_limit The minimum number of chars required for the id/Name desired (minimum =7)
Set it to 0 for unlimited number of chars, full_id
number null no
prefix_order The order of the Name tag
Defaults to, ["environment", "project_name", "region", "name"]
at least one should be provided
list(string) null no
project_name The project name or organization name, could be fullName or abbreviation such as ex string null no
random_string A Random string, that will be appended to id in case of using prefix_length_limit
Using the default value which is null, the string will be created using the random terraform provider
string null no
regex_substitute_chars a regex to replace empty chars in project_name, environment, region and, name
defaults to "\[a-zA-Z0-9]\", replacing any chars other than chars and digits
string null no
region Environment name such as us-east-1, ap-west-1, eu-central-1 string null no
tag_key_case The letter case of output tag keys
Possible values are lower', upperandtitle<br>defaults to title<br>
string null no
tag_value_case The letter case of output tag values
Possible values are lower', upperandtitle<br>defaults to lower<br>
string null no
tags Tags, Tags to be generated by this module which can be access by module..tags e.g. map('CostCenter', 'Production') map(string) {} no


Name Description
additional_tags Additional Tags, tags which can be accessed by module..tags_as_list not added to ..
attributes A list of attributes e.g. private, shared, cost_center
company_name The name of the company or client
context A context to be used as an input for other modules
delimiter Delimiter to be used between project_name, environment, region and, name.
enabled A boolean to enable or disable tagging/labeling module
environment Environment name passed to module such as us-east-1, ap-west-1, eu-central-1
id ID, restricted to prefix_length_limit if set otherwise, full ID
id_full Full ID, not restricted to prefix_length_limit
prefix_order an ordered list of strings that forms the ID attribute
project_name The project name or organization name, could be fullName or abbreviation such as ex
random_string A random string, used in id and id_short in case of setting prefix_lenght_limit
regex_substitute_chars Regex, to be used for id substitution in case of using prefix_length_limit
tags Tags, Tags to be generated by this module which can be access by module..tags e.g. map('CostCenter', 'Production')