
GUI for Midi input visualization

Primary LanguageQMLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


GUI for Midi input visualization

What is it?

Something to test your MisteRdeck (Stream deck alternative).

It receives Midi signals and shows them in a Qt UI made in Python.


  1. Install Qt: https://www.qt.io/download-open-source

    You have to create an account and select a version to install.

    Qt with MingW seems to be working better than MSVC 2019 in Windows 11

  2. Install Python

  3. Install python-rt-midi: https://github.com/SpotlightKid/python-rtmidi/blob/master/INSTALL-windows.rst

    (Attention! Before running "python setup.py install", you have to download rtmidi source and place it in the python-rtmidi/python-rtmidi/src/rtmidi folder)

    See reviewed instructions in this repository for proper Windows installation.

  4. Install Python requirements:

     pip install -r requirements.txt


Plug in your midi controller and run:

python main.py

Have fun!