
Primary LanguageTypeScript


Usage instructions

This guide covers the installation and setup process for the REC System, including agent configuration and Fabric network deployment.


  • Node.js version >= 18.18
  • Redis server
  • Docker
  • Add docker to sudo group to use docker without using sudo
  • Install JQ by running command sudo apt install -y jq

Installation Steps

1. Organization and Client Api Setup

  1. Navigate to the agent directory and install dependencies. This SDK includes both REC Agent and Client Agent functionalities.
cd agent
  1. Add the following variables to your .env file:
  1. Start an organization api:
yarn org <email> <port>
  1. Start a client api:
yarn client <email> <port>

Replace <email> with the actual email of the organization or client, and <port> with the port number on which you want the API to run. Example: yarn org org1@rec.com 5000 or yarn client client1@rec.com 5001

2. Fabric Network Setup

The following steps will set up and configure the Fabric network:

  1. Copy the .env.sample file to a new .env file, and update all path variables according to your local setup.
cd service/rec/server
cp .env.sample .env

Do not forget to change the path variables

  1. Run installPrerequisite.sh once during the initial server setup to install all necessary dependencies:
cd service/rec
  1. Start the Hyperledger Fabric network and deploy the chaincode:
  1. A Redis server must be running either on Docker or localhost using the default port. To run Redis using Docker:
docker run --name redis-server -p 6379:6379 -d redis
  1. Start the server. This will also start the Fabric Subscriber Service which is connected with the REC Agent (Publisher)
cd service/rec/server
npm run dev

Fabric server will run at PORT 3005

4. Organization Interface Setup

Configure and start the Organization Interface as follows:

  1. Add the following variables to your .env file:
  1. Navigate to the organizationInterface directory, install dependencies, and start the interface server:
cd ../organizationInterface
npm install
npm run dev

Organization Interface server will run on port 3000

Key notes

  • Please open the client and organization interface in a separate window (not a separate tab, same window) or browser for each client and organization at the same time. This may cause a conflict with the local storage data of separate clients or organizations in the browser.

Client Interface Setup

Configure and start the Client API as follows:

  1. Add the following variables to your .env file:
  1. Navigate to the clientInterface directory, install dependencies, and start the interface server:
cd ../clientInterface
npm install
npm run dev

Client Interface server will run on port 3001

CSV data generation

  1. Navigate to data directory and install dependencies
cd data
npm install
  1. Run this command to generate data
npm run dataGenerate
  1. You can view data format in rec2.csv file
  2. To understand to process of data generation, view data-gen.js file.

Realtime api to send data

  1. Navigate to data directory and install dependencies
cd data
npm install
  1. Copy environment data from .env.sample
cp .env.sample .env
npm run repeatedApiCall
  1. To understand to process of realtime api call, view repeatedApiCaller.js file.


Data flow

REC Dataflow


  • Interface
  • Agents
  • Fabric API
  • Message Broker

API Documentation

Organization API Endpoints

Method Endpoint Request Body Response Description
POST /create-invitation {} Returns a new oob invitation Creates and returns a new out-of-band invitation
POST /receive-invitation {invitationUrl} Establishes connection with given invitationUrl Initiates a connection and returns invitation details
POST /receive-message {message, connectionId} Sends message to a specific connection Sends a message to a specific connection and returns a response

Client API Endpoints

Method Endpoint Request Body Response Description
POST /receive-invitation {invitationUrl} Establishes connection with given invitationUrl Initiates a connection and returns invitation details
POST /send-message {connectionId, messageData, organizationId: email} Sends message to organization node and returns specific message Sends a message to a recipient node and returns a specific response

Fabric API

Method Endpoint Request Body Response Description
POST /client/register {name, email, agentEndpoint, password} Returns success message Registers a new client using given credentials.
POST /client/login {email, password} Returns success message, clientData Logs in a client and sets an authorization cookie.
POST /organization/register {name, email, agentEndpoint, password} Returns success message Registers a new organization using given credentials.
POST /organization/login {email, password} Returns success message, clientData Logs in a organization and sets an authorization cookie.
GET /organization/all N/A Returns all organization data Fetches all organizations.
GET /client/connections N/A Returns connected organization data Fetches client connections if the user is authenticated, otherwise returns a 401 error.
GET /organization/realtime-data/:connectionId N/A Returns realtime data of a specific client Fetches real-time data if the organization is authenticated.
GET /organization/connected-organization/clients/{email} N/A Returns array of clients data Fetches the list of clients of a different organization connected to this user based on the provided email.
GET /organization/connection/organizations N/A Returns array of connected organizations Fetches the list of organizations connected to the current user.
GET /organization/sorted-data/:connectionId N/A Returns array of message data sent by a client Fetches sorted data for a connected client based on connectionId.
POST /organization/connected-organization/clients/sorted-data {connectedOrganizationId, connectionId} Returns array of message data sent by a client Fetches sorted data sent by a client to a connected organization.


REC scenario