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Using Muse Brain Sensing Headband to collect real time brainwave data; processed raw data and conducted relationship analysis using R programminglanguage.

#Project of the paper Glavin Wiechert, Matt Triff, Zhixing Liu, Zhicheng Yin, Shuai Zhao, Ziyun Zhong, Runxing Zhaou and Pawan Lingras. 2016. Evolutionary Semi-supervised Rough Categorization of Brain Signals from a Wearable Headband, Proceedings of 2016 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Vancouver, Canada, July 24-19.

Glavin Wiechert, Matt Triff, Zhixing Liu, Zhicheng Yin, Shuai Zhao, Ziyun Zhong, Runxing Zhaou and Pawan Lingras. 2016. Identifying Users and Activities from Brain Wave Signals Recorded from a Wearable Headband, Proceedings of 15th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics and Cognitive Computing, Stanford University, USA, August 22-23, pp. 129-136.