
The uMOF library is a cross platform C++ meta system. It can be used for reflection and script binding.

Primary LanguageC++

The uMOF library is a cross platform C++ meta system. It can be used for reflection and script binding. It's written in C++11 and require modern compiler.


Use the following command to build the library.

cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build


To use meta system you should declare method and properties of class using macros.

class Test
    Test() = default;

    int func(int a, int b)
        return a + b;

    float func(float a, float b)
        return a + b;

    int null()
        return 0;

    void test()
        std::cout << "test" << std::endl;
    int getVal() const
        return _val;

    void setVal(int v)
        _val = v;

    double prop;
    int _val;


    U_OVERLOAD(func, Test, int, int, int),
    U_OVERLOAD(func, Test, float, float, float),
    U_PROPERTY(val, READ(getVal), WRITE(setVal))
    U_PROPERTY(prop, MEMBER(prop))

Now you can use exposed api of the class.

const Api api = Api::from<Test>();
Method method = api.method(0);

Test t;
int ret;
m.call(&t, ret, {1, 2});


Configuration: Windows, Visual Studio 2013, Release x86

Framework Compile/Link time, ms Executable size, KB Call time spent*, ms
Native 371/63 12 2 (45**)
uMOF 406/78 18 349
Camp 4492/116 66 6889
Qt 1040/80 (+129***) 15 498
cpgf 2514/166 71 1184

* 10000000 calls

** Force noinline

*** Meta object compiler