Pinned Repositories
My simple alternative to Vysor, Genymobile etc. for Android developers; it enables one to view & control one's Android phone within a Java GUI on your computer over USB using automated ADB commands.
My new main coding-example reference; I consider this to be the current gold standard in android development. I plan on refactoring Dagger to Dagger Hilt and creating a pull request @mitchtabian.
Demonstration of Firebase Auth, Storage and RT Database
Collaborative project demonstrating Jetpack Navigation components with Firebase authentication and GitHub's REST API where Retrofit returns Kotlin Flows.
Python codebase that simulates the evolution of GSS sample populations based on actual, ideal and sterile fertility. Yields thousands of graphs - see "output" folder.
Android app that leverages javascript eval() via Mozilla Rhino to make a calculator with hardly any code. A world record for the simplest Java Android calculator ever made? Available on Google Play.
Demonstration of Jetpack's Paging library on a vanilla REST API MVVM Repository Pattern project. Based on OX Coding's movie app tutorial.
Demonstration of RecyclerView's ListAdapter with DiffUtil and ItemTouchHelper. Based on Coding In Flow's MVVM Room tutorial in Java which I refactored into Kotlin.
Demonstration of coroutines and Kodein dependency injection on a MVVM REST API project with Room persistence. Based on Reso Coder's Weather App tutorial. Also contains a settings fragment.
occultus73's Repositories
My simple alternative to Vysor, Genymobile etc. for Android developers; it enables one to view & control one's Android phone within a Java GUI on your computer over USB using automated ADB commands.
Python codebase that simulates the evolution of GSS sample populations based on actual, ideal and sterile fertility. Yields thousands of graphs - see "output" folder.
Demonstration of RecyclerView's ListAdapter with DiffUtil and ItemTouchHelper. Based on Coding In Flow's MVVM Room tutorial in Java which I refactored into Kotlin.
Demonstration of coroutines and Kodein dependency injection on a MVVM REST API project with Room persistence. Based on Reso Coder's Weather App tutorial. Also contains a settings fragment.
My new main coding-example reference; I consider this to be the current gold standard in android development. I plan on refactoring Dagger to Dagger Hilt and creating a pull request @mitchtabian.
Demonstration of Firebase Auth, Storage and RT Database
Collaborative project demonstrating Jetpack Navigation components with Firebase authentication and GitHub's REST API where Retrofit returns Kotlin Flows.
Android app that leverages javascript eval() via Mozilla Rhino to make a calculator with hardly any code. A world record for the simplest Java Android calculator ever made? Available on Google Play.
Demonstration of Jetpack's Paging library on a vanilla REST API MVVM Repository Pattern project. Based on OX Coding's movie app tutorial.
Demonstration of UI and unit testing (without dependency injection!) using JUnit4, JUnit5, Espresso and MockK.
Provides multivariate normal distribution sampling and matrix inversion for Jetbrain's new NDArray library Multik, by bodging it with some classes (including tests) from Apache Commons Maths 3 & 4, translated into Kotlin and made JVM independent for a Kotlin Multi-Platform project.
Demo of app built with MVI, Clean Architecture, Dagger Hilt and Coroutines & Flows
Demonstration of game-like custom views. It's a basic model of our solar system based on code provided on Khan Academy.
Demo of MVVM Custom-View Game.