

  • ⛓️ ethereum hooks

    useAccountBalance, useNetworkColor

  • ✔️ toolings for linting, formatting, and conventions configured

    eslint, prettier, husky, lint-staged, commitlint, commitizen, and standard-version

  • 📱 PWA-ready

    next-pwa configured, disabled by default, just enable it through next.config.js

  • 🔎 SEO optimization configured

    with next-seo and next-sitemap. you'll need to reconfigure or tinker with it to get it right according to your needs, but it's there if you need it.

  • 🎨 basic responsive layout configured

Getting Started

git clone
pnpm install
pnpm dev

How to Run e2e Test (in local machine)

  1. Build production with pnpm build, then run the production build using pnpm start.
  2. Open another terminal (or new terminal tab, don't cancel / close the production server), then run the test with pnpm test:e2e.
