
:eyes: " / @ / CTRL-R

Primary LanguageVim Script


Peekaboo extends " and @ in normal mode and <CTRL-R> in insert mode so you can see the contents of the registers.


Using vim-plug:

Plug 'junegunn/vim-peekaboo'


Peekaboo will show you the contents of the registers on the sidebar when you hit " or @ in normal mode or <CTRL-R> in insert mode. The sidebar is automatically closed on subsequent key strokes.

You can toggle fullscreen mode by pressing spacebar.


" Default peekaboo window
let g:peekaboo_window = 'vertical botright 30new'

" Delay opening of peekaboo window (in ms. default: 0)
let g:peekaboo_delay = 750

" Compact display; do not display the names of the register groups
let g:peekaboo_compact = 1

" Prefix for the peekaboo key mapping (default: '')
let g:peekaboo_prefix = '<leader>'

" Prefix for CTRL-R insert key mapping (default: '')
let g:peekaboo_ins_prefix = '<c-x>'


"Peekaboo conflicts with my maps and abbrevs"

Use non-recursive maps and abbreviations (e.g. nnoremap, inoreabbrev) so that they are not expanded. It is strongly advised that you always stick to nore-versions unless you know exactly what you're doing.

"Can I use Peekaboo in command-line mode?"

There's no native support for command-line mode, but it's possible with another plugin. See here.

Known issues

Compatability with macros

Peekaboo internally uses feedkeys() function which can break macros. So Peekaboo temporarily disables itself when replaying macros with @. However, if you invoke @ via a non-recursive map (e.g. nnoremap Q @q), Peekaboo doesn't get a chance to do so and your macros may not work as expected. The workaround is to use recursive maps: nmap Q @q.
