ODC tools


Available modules

  • mod_compare
  • mod_filter
  • mod_interp
  • mod_plot
  • mod_powerspec
  • mod_read
  • mod_spectral
  • mod_stat
  • mod_switchvar
  • mod_traj
  • mod_utils
  • mod_xscale

How to get started

ODC_tools environment

pip install the package to set up the odc_tools environment:

pip install git+https://github.com/ocean-data-challenges/ODC_tools.git#egg=odc_tools

Activate odc_tools environment:

source activate odc_env

Install package

pip intall the package again now that your in the odc_tools environment

pip install git+https://github.com/ocean-data-challenges/ODC_tools.git#egg=odc_tools

For jupyter notebooks

add environment to the available kernels for jupyter to see:

ipython kernel install --name "odc_env" --user

finally, select the "odc_env" kernel in your notebook with Kernel > Change Kernel.

You're now good to go !