A methodology to detect deepwater corals using Generative Adversarial Networks


All data and models are published at the Swedish National Data Service under the DOI: https://doi.org/10.5878/hp35-4809

Data Augmentation

Frame Tracking Data Augmentation

In order to address dataset limitations, we used a straightforward heuristic method with a frame tracking algorithm [1] to label 10 adjacent frames (5 before and 5 after the current frame) in a video sequence. This technique increases the likelihood of capturing the entire object in at least one frame while minimizing potential duplication, making it particularly effective for footage captured by fast-moving cameras.

Synthetic Data Augmentation

Follow the steps below to reproduce the synthetic data augmentation experiment using StyleGAN2 and DiffAugment.

Step 1: Set up the environment

Clone the PyTorch implementation of StyleGAN2 with DiffAugment from the GitHub repository [2][3]:

git clone https://github.com/mit-han-lab/data-efficient-gans/tree/master/DiffAugment-stylegan2-pytorch

Step 2: Train StyleGAN2

Train the StyleGAN2 model with the following hyperparameters (the model was trained with the implemented default hyper-parameters):

  • Optimizer: Adam with momentum parameters $\beta_1=0$, $\beta_2=0.99$
  • Learning rate $0.002$ except for the mapping network which which used $100$ times lower learning rate
  • Equalized learning rate approach: Enabled [4]
  • Objective function: Improved loss from the original GAN paper, $R_1$ regularization, and regularization parameter $\gamma = 10$
  • Activation function: Leaky ReLU with slope set to $\alpha=0.2$
  • Batch size: $8$
  • Image size: $512\times512$
  • Training length: $500k$ image iterations (approximately $1222$ epochs)
bash /opt/local/bin/run_py_job.sh -e stylegan -p gpu-shannon -c 8 -s train.py -- --outdir=out_dir --data=resized_images --gpus=1 --workers 2

Step 3: Apply DiffAugment

Use the PyTorch implementation of DiffAugment provided by the paper [2]. Apply the following augmentation techniques:

  • Color: Adjust brightness, saturation, and contrast
  • Translation: Resize the image and pad the remaining pixels with zeros
  • Cutout: Cut out a random square of the image and pad it with zeros

Use all three transformations as recommended by the authors when training with limited data.

Step 4: Monitor training and select the final model

During training, generate images every $40k$ iteration. Weights at iteration $280k$ were selected as the final model's weights.

bash /opt/local/bin/run_py_job.sh -e stylegan -p gpu-shannon -c 8 generate.py -- --output=out_dir --seed=0 --network=/models/network-snapshot-000280.pkl

Object Detection

Step 1: Prepare the datasets

  • 2407 images ($90$%) of the initial and frame-tracking generated images (a random sample of 4499) for the YOLO+FrameTrack model.
  • 2407 images ($90$%) of the initial and synthetically generated images (total of 2675) for the YOLO+Synthetic model.

Step 2: Set up YOLOv4 environment

Clone the YOLOv4 repository [5] and set up the environment as described in the official documentation.

git clone https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet
# change makefile to have GPU and OPENCV enabled (edit makefile to enable GPU and opencv)
  cd darknet
  sed -i 's/OPENCV=0/OPENCV=1/' Makefile
  sed -i 's/GPU=0/GPU=1/' Makefile
  sed -i 's/CUDNN=0/CUDNN=1/' Makefile
  sed -i 's/CUDNN_HALF=0/CUDNN_HALF=1/' Makefile
# make darknet (builds darknet to use the darknet executable file to run or train object detectors)

Step 3: Prepare pre-trained weights

Download the pre-trained weights for the convolutional layers of the model trained on the MS COCO dataset.

wget https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet/releases/download/darknet_yolo_v3_optimal/yolov4.conv.137

Step 4: Configure Files for Training

Use the default configurations for the models' training and set the width and height of the network to $512 \times 512$ pixels. Resize every image to this size during both training and detection (yolo-obj.cfg).

  • Edit the max_batches = classes*2000 but not less than number of training images or 6000
  • steps = 80% of max_batches, 90% of max_batches
  • network size width = 512, height = 512
  • Change number of classes (search yolo)
  • Change filters to = (classes + 5) * 3 in each convolutional before each yolo layer
# move the custom .cfg to cfg folder
cp your_folder/yolo-obj.cfg ./cfg
# move the obj.names and obj.data files to data folder
cp your_folder/obj.names ./data
cp your_folder/obj.data  ./data
# move the train.txt and valid.txt and test.txt files data folder
cp your_folder/train.txt ./data
cp your_folder/valid.txt  ./data
cp your_folder/test.txt  ./data

Step 5: Apply data augmentation techniques

Employ the following data augmentation techniques during training (in cfg file):

  • Random adjustments to saturation, hue, and exposure
  • Mosaic (combines 4 training images into one image)
  • Mixup (generates a new image by combining two random images)
  • Blur (randomly blurs the background $50$% of the time)

Step 6: Train the models

Train the networks with the following settings:

  • Batch size: $64$
  • Total batch iterations: $6000$
  • Mini-batch size: $2$
cd darknet
 #copy over both datasets into the root directory
cp your_folder/obj.zip ../
cp your_folder/test.zip ../
# copy over both datasets into the root directory
cp your_folder/obj.zip ../
cp your_folder/test.zip ../
#unzip the datasets and their contents so that they are now in /darknet/data/ folder
unzip ../obj.zip -d data/
unzip ../test.zip -d data/
# train your custom detector
!./darknet detector train data/obj.data cfg/yolo-obj.cfg yolov4.conv.137 -dont_show -map

Step 7: Monitor training and select the final models

After the burn-in period, calculate the mAP@0.5 for every $4^{th}$ epoch on the validation set. Use this metric, along with the loss, to determine when to stop training.

# checking the Mean Average Precision (mAP)
./darknet detector map data/obj.data cfg/yolo-obj.cfg /backup/yolo-obj_last_YOLO+Synthetic.weights -thresh 0.75

Step 8: Test the model

# test the detector 
./darknet detector test data/obj.data cfg/yolov4-obj.cfg /backup/yolo-obj_last_YOLO+Synthetic.weights /images/example.jpg


[1] Frame-Tracker

[2] Differentiable Augmentation for Data-Efficient GAN Training-Github

[3] Data-Efficient GANs with DiffAugment

[4] Progressive Growing of GANs for Improved Quality, Stability, and Variation

[5] YOLOv4-Darknet
