Builds CraveNG on a Raspberry pi.
Building block for a masternode setup.
Tested on Debian Jessie 8.0 on a Rpi v3.
- install Ansible (2.x) on your host machine
- if you've renamed your pi, set correct hostname(s) in 'hosts'
- if you're not using the stock 'pi' user, set ansible_ssh_user' in 'hosts'
- setup passwordless SSH as ansible_ssh_user (i.e. copy up a pubkey to the pi by hand)
You'll need a working internet connection for the install.
You can verify connectivity by running:
ansible -i hosts all -m ping
and you should see 'pong' from your raspberrypi.
(If you haven't set up an SSH key like i told you to, run
ansible -i hosts all -m ping -k
and provide the ssh password - default is 'raspberry'. please change it.)
Run the main play with:
ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml
Warning: it'll take a good hour or two. gcc is pretty slow on a pi.
- install dev packages
- download, build and install libdb4.8
- create and enable a small (512Mb) swapfile to allow the compilation
- checkout Crave from github and build it
The resulting binaries are in /home/pi/crave-ng/src
I thought about adding another role to setup crave.conf, etc. But then you'd be trusting me to configure your masternode, which I doubt you'd be happy with.
But you can pick this up on page 8 of the setup guide.
I'll add a systemd role soon, to keep craved running on crashes, etc.
Yeah, probably. Hit me up on the usual social media things, same username as here.
Ta very much, like
- CRAVE : VC2MXJfMtaWpsLeeMZ3JywwAB7yFRg6a3m