Learning to program notes

Welcome to a bunch of my random notes, made while attending Makers Academy. Chances are you've stumbled across them because I've posted them somewhere, but for whatever reason you're reading them I hope you find them useful.

These notes were made for me to try and break down different programming concepts, languages, and frameworks while learning to code in a very intensive environment. My hope while writing them was that they would help me whilst learning to code, but as they could be useful to others (either on the course or on their own learning to code journey) I've decided to put them on Github for anyone to use.

Feel free to fork or these notes and change them as you wish. The majority of the notes were made on the day I learnt them, so there are bound to be mistakes I've made or confusions in definitions. Please do submit a pull request for anything you think is incorrect, written badly, or could just be improved. I'll be happy to learn where I've gone wrong.

A note on these notes: I've wrapped any code examples in code blocks, and rather than use actual examples I went down the route of wrapping anything which will be local to the code I am writing (such as variable names, parameter names etc.) in asterisks. Here's an example from my Angular notes: ng-app="*appName*". This is to be clearer about what is actual syntax, and what is dependent on the code you're writing.


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Matthew Ward