
Unofficial Stanbic Kilele Payments Ruby Client

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Stanbic Payment APIs ruby sdk


Install the gem and add to the application's Gemfile by executing:

bundle add stanbic

If bundler is not being used to manage dependencies, install the gem by executing:

gem install stanbic


Initialize Stanbic Client

require "stanbic"
@client = Stanbic::Client.new(api_key: ENV['STANBIC_API_KEY'], api_secret: ENV['STANBIC_API_SECRET'])

Make API calls using the @client object

Payments to Stanbic Accounts

send_to_stanbic = @client.stanbic_payments(to_account, amount)
  • to_account: stanbic recipient account numberREQUIRED
  • amount: amount to transact REQUIRED

Send Money to Mobile Money APIs

mobile_transfer = @client.mobile_transfer(sender, receipient, amount, provider)
  • sender: sender mobile numberREQUIRED

  • receipient: receipient mobile number REQUIRED

  • amount: amount to transact REQUIRED

  • provider: mobile provider REQUIRED

  • providers :

    • MPESA
    • T-KASH

STK Push - M-Pesa Checkout

  mpesa_checkout = @client.mpesa_checkout(mobile_number, amount, bill_account_ref)
  • mobile_number: customer being charged mobile numberREQUIRED
  • amount: amount being deducted from M-Pesa REQUIRED
  • bill_account_ref: Stanbic account recieveing the funds REQUIRED

Inter-Bank Transfers API via Pesalink

Note To be implemented

inter_bank_transfer = @client.inter_bank_transfer
  • to_account: stanbic recipient account numberREQUIRED
  • amount: amount to transact REQUIRED



Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/ochiengotieno304/stanbic.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.