
Simple scheduler for ESP8266 Arduino based on Ticker

Primary LanguageC++


Simple scheduler for ESP8266 Arduino based on Ticker


TickerScheduler(uint size);

Param Description
size Amount of task Tickers to initialize


TickerScheduler ts(5)

###Add task###

boolean add(uint i, uint32_t period, tscallback_t f, boolean shouldFireNow = false);

Param Description
i Task ID
period Task execution period in ms
f Task callback
shouldFireNow true if you want to execute task right after first scheduler update or wait next scheduled start


true - task added sucessfully

false - task was not added


ts.add(0, 3000, sendData)

###Execute scheduler in loop()###


###Remove task###

boolean remove(uint i)


true - task removed sucessfully

false - task was not removed

Param Description
i Task ID

###Enable/Disable task###

boolean enable(uint i)

boolean disable(uint i)


true - task enabled/disabled sucessfully

false - task was not enabled/disabled

Param Description
i Task ID

###Enable / disable all tasks###

void enableAll()

void disableAll()


  • Task callback parameters support
  • ...