
Dotfiles for versioned and portable shortcuts and settings

Primary LanguageShell


My dotfiles


Use dotfiles <git command> to commit changes. e.g.:

dotfiles status
dotfiles add .vimrc
dotfiles commit -m "Added vimrc"
dotfiles push


Local aliases can be added through ea (in .bash_aliases).

These are not committed.

You can also overwrite the default editor used by setting EDITOR=path/to/editor.

Install from Repo

# clone repo
git clone --bare git@github.com:ocjojo/dotfiles.git $HOME/.dotfiles
# checkout; you might have to delete files that already exist
git checkout --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles/ --work-tree=$HOME
# hide untracked files from status
dotfiles config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no

# source the new .bash_profile
source $HOME/.bash_profile
# copy the iterm profile
cp .iterm-profile.json Library/Application\ Support/iTerm2/DynamicProfiles/iterm-profile.json

Starting from scratch

git init --bare $HOME/.dotfiles

add the dotfiles function to your .bash_profile.

#source the new function
source $HOME/.bash_profile
# hide untracked files from status
dotfiles config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no

List of commands

fuck # retry last command with sudo

ef <file> # open file in editor
ed <dir> # open dir in editor
eda <dir> # add dir to editor (-a option)

ea # (e)dit .bash_(a)liases
ep # (e)dit .bash_(p)rofile
sb # (s)ource .(b)ash_profile

ll # ls -lah

serve # serve current dir from localhost:8000

s <name> # save the current dir as name in bashmarks
g <name> # go to a bashmark
l # list all bashmarks

dotfiles <command> # alias for git to commit changes in dotfiles repo

# MacOS specific
showFiles # show hidden files in finder
hideFiles # hide hidden files in finder