A helper program that converts xcodebuild log to compile_commands.json
- bitshifterWellington, New Zealand
- bmedickeVienna, Austria
- BookOfStopHere
- brunogamaBanco Inter
- cooljeaniusNH House of Representatives
- eyeplumAuckland, New Zealand
- Gareth-swifter@northdark
- Godin@SonarSource
- Goles@Microsoft
- hboonIndie developer
- hpsoar
- iqqgshanghai
- itsthejbLondon
- JaviSotoSan Francisco
- jesseluoMeituan
- jevinskieLafayette, Indiana
- joekimHappyDojo
- karabatov@cookpad
- kimar@Bearologics
- kylehowells
- leafduoshimo.im
- lechiumPhoenix, AZ
- leira
- leverdeterreBryj.ai
- lqi
- mayenjoy
- pmnanez
- porter-liuSan Jose, California, USA
- qwertzy00
- radjCebu City
- tokuda109@mercari and @merpay
- tuoxie007@bytedance
- xanderdunn
- yageek@ricardo-ch
- ygit
- zhangdongxuanTencent