
HigLabo library provide features of Mail, Ftp, Rss, Twitter, ObjectMapper, ORM, ASP.NET Mvc...etc

Primary LanguageC#


HigLabo library provide features

  1. Object Mapper(fastest in the world)
  2. DbSharp(DAL generator)
  3. And other.(Mail, Ftp, Rss, Twitter...etc)

I added .NET Standard version at 2020/07/03. It was moved from https://github.com/higty/higlabo.netstandard repository.


A mapper library like AutoMapper,EmitMapper,FastMapper,ExpressMapper..etc. I posted article to CodeProject. https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/5275388/HigLabo-Mapper-Creating-Fastest-Object-Mapper-in-t

You can map object out of box without configuration. You can also customize completely as you can with AddPostAction,ReplaceMap method.

I completely rewrite HigLabo.Mapper. Now, HigLabo.Mapper is fastest mapper library in the world. Performance test at 2020/08/01.

Method Mean Error StdDev Ratio RatioSD Gen 0 Gen 1 Gen 2 Allocated
HandwriteMapper_Address 7.552 us 0.5069 us 0.0278 us 1.00 0.00 6.4163 - - 40253 B
HigLaboObjectMapper_Address 37.117 us 3.9361 us 0.2158 us 4.92 0.04 7.6294 - - 48000 B
Mapster_Address 41.172 us 2.6546 us 0.1455 us 5.45 0.02 7.6294 - - 48000 B
AutoMapper_Address 113.133 us 25.1448 us 1.3783 us 14.98 0.23 - - - -
ExpressMapper_Address 123.352 us 12.8851 us 0.7063 us 16.33 0.14 13.9160 - - 88000 B
AgileMapper_Address 321.437 us 36.6738 us 2.0102 us 42.57 0.39 82.0313 - - 516803 B
FastMapper_Address 237.159 us 16.1570 us 0.8856 us 31.40 0.16 59.8145 - - 376000 B
TinyMapper_Address 82.067 us 7.3080 us 0.4006 us 10.87 0.09 15.2588 - - 96000 B
HigLaboObjectMapper_AddressDTO 34.635 us 3.0237 us 0.1657 us 4.59 0.04 6.3477 - - 40000 B
Mapster_AddressDTO 37.624 us 5.9133 us 0.3241 us 4.98 0.06 6.3477 - - 40000 B
AutoMapper_AddressDTO 121.693 us 8.5257 us 0.4673 us 16.11 0.11 6.3477 - - 40000 B
ExpressMapper_AddressDTO 127.495 us 28.0275 us 1.5363 us 16.88 0.26 12.6953 - - 80000 B
AgileMapper_AddressDTO 159.150 us 62.7304 us 3.4385 us 21.07 0.43 48.3398 - - 304000 B
FastMapper_AddressDTO 230.696 us 53.7239 us 2.9448 us 30.55 0.35 59.8145 - - 376000 B
TinyMapper_AddressDTO 70.651 us 4.1426 us 0.2271 us 9.36 0.05 13.9160 - - 88000 B
HigLaboObjectMapper_Customer 88.213 us 12.1313 us 0.6650 us 11.68 0.11 47.1191 - - 296000 B
Mapster_Customer 861.706 us 69.4256 us 3.8055 us 114.11 0.32 64.4531 - - 408000 B
AutoMapper_Customer 270.586 us 50.3047 us 2.7574 us 35.83 0.49 35.6445 - - 224000 B
ExpressMapper_Customer 344.622 us 229.5338 us 12.5815 us 45.63 1.63 106.9336 0.4883 - 673852 B
AgileMapper_Customer 2,000.527 us 150.7667 us 8.2640 us 264.91 2.03 535.1563 3.9063 - 3376268 B
FastMapper_Customer 1,314.517 us 977.0347 us 53.5546 us 174.05 6.48 232.4219 - - 1465848 B
TinyMapper_Customer 1,688.700 us 90.1517 us 4.9415 us 223.62 1.39 158.2031 - - 993850 B
HandwriteMapper_Customer_CustomerDTO 86.716 us 10.3637 us 0.5681 us 11.48 0.04 62.7441 0.2441 - 393851 B
HigLaboObjectMapper_Customer_CustomerDTO 137.967 us 36.1755 us 1.9829 us 18.27 0.29 76.4160 - - 480000 B
Mapster_Customer_CustomerDTO 263.971 us 40.1365 us 2.2000 us 34.95 0.17 76.1719 - - 480000 B
AutoMapper_Customer_CustomerDTO 280.642 us 15.2435 us 0.8355 us 37.16 0.06 68.8477 - - 432000 B

HigLabo.Mapper (version3.0.0 or later) is used expression tree.

For backward compatibility, old version HigLabo.Mapper is moved to HigLabo.Mapper.ObjectMapConfig.


A code generator to call stored procedure on database(SQL server, MySQL)



A library of Mime parser.World fastest parser of MIME.It is used for HigLabo.Mail.


A mail library of SMTP,POP3,IMAP.

https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/399207/Understanding-the-Insides-of-the-SMTP-Mail-Protoco https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/404066/Understanding-the-insides-of-the-POP-mail-protoco https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/411018/Understanding-the-insides-of-the-IMAP-mail-protoco


A library for database access.


Converter library for Base64,QueryString,QuotedPrintable,Rfc2047,ModifiedUtf7,ISO8601...etc.


Slack client library to call Slack API. https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/5336184/Creating-best-Csharp-Slack-client-library-in-the-w


A library to call Facebook Messenger API.


A library to call LINE API.LINE is most used messaging app in Japan.